Friday, May 27, 2022

Today’s pickup

I have been looking to get vanguard for a while. Found this really nice looking one for $5 today 

This is my horrible stack on one particular table I need to do something with. Sony VCR, PlayStation 2, Blu-ray player, and Atari 2600.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

This week's pickups

 I picked up Star Wars Battlefront for the PlayStation for $3 in really good shape.  Picked up a very high quality Sony VCR for my Atari 2600 for the RF Demodulator. $15 and it looks great on my 70" 4k TV.

It has been a while since I picked up baseball cards, but I picked up nearly 5 thousand of them, and many Chicago Cubs players and HoFers.  Happy with the pickup, but getting to the point I need to start to consider selling.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Atari 2600 bargin pickups

Maddie and I went to BN video game show today. I got three games I was wanting for the Atari 2600:

Berzerk, Star Raiders, and Defender... for $1 each.  Tested them on site and working.

Also picked up Sorcerer, Gorf, Jungle Hunt, and Centipede, also all $1 each.  I tested Gorf on site.

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...