Thursday, December 14, 2023

Current status of ComSIPL

 ComSIPL now has three main executibles:

1) sipl    sipl is the SIP Listener, SIP Text and Call Manager, and the SIP Registrar

2) sipp   sipp is the SIP Presence Broker

3) admini admini is the administrative console

I will likely release ComSIPL 0.8.5 today. The biggest reason for not make this a 0.9.0 release is that some clients are not accepting the NOTIFY presence packet from sipp presence broker.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

ComSIPL Progress

ComSIPL is progressing nicely.  Cisco device support and a TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol is being developed.  TFTP is used to load different configurations into Cisco phones and gateways before they start the SIP communication.  

I would like at least a primitive, but functional TFTP server that will support Cisco's IP Communicator by version 9.0.  If I can get Cisco Jabber to work, that would be great also.

The admin interface continues to improve and get better.  It already has expanded into managing the TFTP and the SIP server.

Likely to continue support of Cisco products, a functional XMMP server will also have to be developed for presence.  

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...