Here’s the list of 25 games:
Linux, Cars, Coding, Classic Gaming, Base Ball Cards, and overall personal blog. Just another blog of a baseball card collector and geek. Older blogs can be found at
Friday, January 26, 2024
All 25 of the games - Atari's THE400 mini
Here’s the list of 25 games:
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
ComSIPL has a "working" XMPP to SIP gateway server now
Saturday, January 20, 2024
ComSIPL fix
if (strcmp(watcher_dn[loop], watcher_dn[numOfWatchers])==0 && strcmp(watching_dn[loop],watching_dn[numOfWatchers])==0 && strcmp(watcher_ip[loop], watcher_ip[numOfWatchers])==0 ){The logic finds the previous subscription(s), but does not step on the current subscription that was just written, then marking the matching row values:
as "expired"
There is still a lot to do with Presence and expanding the functionality to fit more clients. Also want to clean up the admin interface a lot more.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Atari post in threes
I'm making an Atari resouce and Fanboy page:
The page will likely have history, technical, and programming information for the Atari MOS computers and gamimg systems.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Atari computers
Here is Atari's computer manufacturing [timeline].
The last of the ST computer, Atari Falcon030, was by far the most capable. Separating the computer from the 'ST' name was not enough and Atari as a computer manufacture was not being taken serious.
Just some thoughts.
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Atari Mini
What does the 400 mini look like? It looks like the original Atari 400 from 1979.
Original 1979 Atari 400 | New 2024 Atari THE400 mini |
What are the hardware specs for the Atari mini?
Unlike many other mini consoles, this one makes it easy to run your own atari software via USB.
Don't own any Atari software, 25 games are
Yep, we only know of 16 of the 25 games so far. Since the Atari MOS 6502 8-bit CPU systems are really good gaming systems - This mini also includes a CX-40 like USB joystick. I hear that is of good quality. They are also touting that many other USB controllers work too.
Sunday, January 7, 2024
A table I have compiled.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
differentiating purple Amethyst and purple Fluorite.
Sometimes rough purple fluorite and quartz Amethyst look a lot a like. I have pieces that visually, it is very hard tell the difference. In fact, sometimes identifying the mineral and its core is quite challenging and near impossible for some individuals in the market looking to purchase the stones. Especially if the Fluorite or Quartz Amethyst is not showing the natural cleavage or have not been cut and/or polished into shapes. For example, both can be the same color with the same variance in lightness/darkness of color. But the two minerals are very different. Fluorite's chemical formula is CaF2, meaning the mineral is composed of Fluorine and Calcium in equal amounts. Quartz's chemical formula is SiO2.
If cut and polished into shapes though, differences may become even harder to tell visually.
Quartz and fluorite also naturally glows under ultraviolet (UV) light. UV light will only show they are real crystals, not specify which type they are. So, if you’re questioning the authenticity of your crystal, stick it under a blacklight. The electrons in the crystals will naturally react to the UV light, giving off a fluorescent glow. If there’s no glow, the crystal is most likely fake.
Note: different crystal of the same type will glow at different UV spectrums. In fact, one crystal may glow one color at one UV spectrum and glow a different color at another.
How do you test Fluorite and Quartz?
In general, both can be tested by checking:
- luster/shine
- how soluble with water
- hardness
What are the differences?
Is crystal shiny or dull? Raw, untreated Fluorite is dull, but can be polished to a shine. Quartz is a naturally shiny. But Fluorite can be easily shined.
Does the crystal dissolve in water? Fluorite will dissolve very slowly in water, but it can be submerged for a small amount of time. At room temperatures quartz is practically insoluble in water and the dissolution process in water is extremely slow, so there is no need to worry about quartz crystals being damaged by repeated cleaning.
Does the crystal scratch easily? Fluorite is a soft crystal, so it scratches easily. Quartz is much harder than Fluorite. The surface of real fluorite has a lot of tiny scratches due to its low hardness. It has a hardness rating of 4 on the Mohs hardness scale - Fluorite easily fractures. Amethyst rates a 7 on the Mohs scale and has good toughness. Amethyst should be able to scratch metals and glass.
Memory struggle
I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...

I have started 2022 with a new vehicle. Traded in the red Mustang and I am now driving a 2022 Santa Cruz. It was the vehicle I didn't ...
Good morning, Merry Christmas. Atari did provide a statement to GameStop saying the VCS has not been discontinued: “We suspended our rel...