For more POKE commands for sound and graphics, you read my C64 manual - but here they are POKE commands for general programming use.
POKE 53272,21 switch to uppercase mode
POKE 53272,23 switch to lowercase mode
POKE 53280,C change border color (C=0-15)
POKE 53281,C change screen color (C=0-15)
POKE 646,C change cursor color (C=0-15)
POKE 53281,C change screen color (C=0-15)
POKE 646,C change cursor color (C=0-15)
POKE 54296,15:POKE 54296,0 make a click sound
POKE 56341,S set cursor speed (S=0-255)
POKE 56334,129 Clock Reset for 50 Cycle Current
POKE 56590,128 Clock Reset for 50 Cycle Current
POKE 1,0 Disable Operating SYStem (Default Value 1,1)
POKE 56590,128 Clock Reset for 50 Cycle Current
POKE 1,0 Disable Operating SYStem (Default Value 1,1)
POKE 19,65 turn off question mark during INPUT
POKE 19,0 turn question mark back on
POKE 22,35 With List Command, Shows No Line Numbers
POKE 198,0 Clears Keyboard Buffer (Default Value 198,0)
POKE 204,0 turn cursor on during a GET
POKE 204,255 turn cursor back off
POKE 649,0 Disable Keyboard
POKE 649,1 disable keyboard buffering
POKE 649,10 Enable Keyboard
POKE 649,15 Increase Keyboard Buffer
POKE 649,1 disable keyboard buffering
POKE 649,10 Enable Keyboard
POKE 649,15 Increase Keyboard Buffer
POKE 650,0 Disable key Repeat
POKE 650,127 Disable keys repeat
POKE 650,128 Enable keys Repeat
POKE 650,64 Disables Repeat of All Keys
POKE 650,127 Disable keys repeat
POKE 650,128 Enable keys Repeat
POKE 650,64 Disables Repeat of All Keys
POKE 657,128 disable SHIFT-Commodore
POKE 657,0 enable SHIFT-Commodore
POKE 657,0 enable SHIFT-Commodore
POKE 774,0 With List Command, Shows Only Line Numbers
POKE 774,141 With List Command, Vanishes Completely (Default Value 774,26)
POKE 774,141 With List Command, Vanishes Completely (Default Value 774,26)
POKE 775,167 Enable List Command
POKE 775,168 Disable List Command
POKE 775,171 Causes Computer to Crash If a LIST Command is Attempted
POKE 775,168 Disable List Command
POKE 775,171 Causes Computer to Crash If a LIST Command is Attempted
POKE 775,200 Disable List Command
POKE 788,49 Enable Syop Key and TI$
POKE 788,52 Disables Stop Key and TI$
POKE 792,193 disable RUN-STOP/RESTORE
POKE 808,225:POKE 818,32 Disable Runstop/Restore & LIST
POKE 808,234 disable RUN-STOP/RESTORE and LIST
POKE 808,237:POKE 818,237 Enable Runstop/Restore & LIST
POKE 808,239 disable RUN/STOP key
POKE 788,52 Disables Stop Key and TI$
POKE 792,193 disable RUN-STOP/RESTORE
POKE 808,225:POKE 818,32 Disable Runstop/Restore & LIST
POKE 808,234 disable RUN-STOP/RESTORE and LIST
POKE 808,237:POKE 818,237 Enable Runstop/Restore & LIST
POKE 808,239 disable RUN/STOP key