Friday, March 21, 2025

GDX-Lib version of DDD is working again!

 GDX-Lib version of DDD is working again on Debian Linux!  Will publish soon.  Mac OS X and Windows will follow shortly. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Dragons, Druids, and Dice for Linux.

 So, there has been delays with the release 1.2 for Linux.  In fact, there has been a fork in the code.  It was my plan to make this version as nice looking as possible with GDX-Lib.  Unfortunately, I'm having issue with this and Debian.  My plan at this point is not to go to GTK or Xlib, but to create a new GDX-Lib-lite version of the GUI library.   This will not rely on other graphic libraries and make the app even easier to cross compile.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Dragons, Druids, and Dice 1.2 for the TI-99/4A

I finalized Dragons, Druids, and Dice 1.2 for the TI-99/4A (March 15, 2025). I will put out the Atari XL/XE version next (March 16, 2025).

Here is a screen shot from the TI-99 version of 1.2

Screen shot of the Atari version of 1.2

GDX-Lib version of DDD is working again!

 GDX-Lib version of DDD is working again on Debian Linux!  Will publish soon.  Mac OS X and Windows will follow shortly.