Sunday, December 25, 2022

Atari and VCS

Good morning, Merry Christmas. Atari did provide a statement to GameStop saying the VCS has not been discontinued:

“We suspended our relationship with the original manufacturing partner of the Atari VCS, but we continue to maintain inventory and fulfill new orders. Atari remains committed to the VCS platform. We have been adding more support for game developers and continue to add new games to the store. Hardware is an important part of Atari’s legacy and will continue to be a part of our long-term strategy. We have several hardware and software projects in development, under licensed contracts, that will expand the VCS ecosystem and create additional utility for users.”

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Game room flare!

 Not much of an update.  Picked up some new flare for the game room today and yesterday.  First item was a Minecraft Creeper to put beside Steve and a Zombie.  

Additionally, I found a small Hot Wheels Star Wars land speeder.  Lastly I found a really cool and large game room sign.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Great, but cheap golf games pickups and another working joystick.

Purchased these two PlayStation 2 Tiger Woods PGA for total $8. Enjoyed the PGA Tour 07 for PlayStation so much, I figured these were worth the risk at only $4 each.

I had picked this Atari 7800 Pro system joystick up on e-bay on the cheep as non working.  Only one direction was not working  - the left movement was not working.  Took the thing apart and cleanup a mostly already really clean joystick.  Works great!  For something this old, I was amazed at it's condition inside.  That said, I still enjoy using 2600 joysticks more, even for 7800 games.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

I'm going to stop....

 tracking fitness on this blog.   I have done a bit over the years but I have started tracking this now on my personal website.  I think it will keep me more accountable.

Probably going to continue to keep the focus more on cards and games.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

This week's game pickup

I know that sports games don't hold their value and can be purchased on the cheap, but I do think I still got a good deal on these three PlayStation 2 games from EA for a total of $7.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Arcade titles in collection

100 Top Arcade games that I have in my collection.  Not in any paticular order.
    Game                 Year   Link                                                                     .
#1  Dig Dug              1982
#2  Pac-Man              1980
#3  Donkey Kong          1981
#4  Smash TV             1990
#5  Frogger              1981
#6  Galaga               1981
#7  Robotron: 2084       1982
#8  BurgerTime           1982
#9  Tapper               1983
#10 Golden Axe           1989
#11 Space Invaders       1978
#12 Joust                1982
#13 Ms. Pac-Man          1981
#14 Defender             1981
#15 Spy Hunter           1983
#16 Donkey Kong Jr.      1982
#17 Asteroids            1979
#18 Pole Position        1982
#19 Stargate             1981
#20 Galaxian             1979
#21 Gauntlet             1985
#22 Tempest              1981
#23 Pong                 1972
#24 Double Dragon        1987
#25 Centipede            1981
#26 Battlezone           1980
#27 Xevious              1982
#28 Missile Command      1980
#29 Berzerk              1980
#30 Arkanoid             1986
#31 Zaxxon               1982
#32 Q-bert               1982
#34 Millipede            1982
#35 Street Fighter       1987
#36 Gorf                 1981
#37 Elevator Action      1983
#38 Space Fury           1981 Fury
#39 Rally-X              1980
#40 Choplifter           1982
#41 Popeye               1982
#42 Gravitar             1982
#43 Turtles
#44 Space Panic
#45 Venture
#46 Pole Position II
#47 Pepper II
#48 Jungle Hunt
#49 Frenzy
#50 Bump n Jump          1982
#51 Mappy
#52 720 
#53 Rolling Thunder 
#54 Klax  
#55 Marble Madness
#56 Paperboy             1984                           
#57 Rampage              1986               
#58 Rampart              1990 
#59 RoadBlasters         1987    
#60 Rompers              
#61 The Tower of Druaga  19 
#62 King and Balloon
#63 Mortal Kombat
#64 Super Breakout
#65 Warlords
#66 Black Widow
#67 Asteroids Deluxe
#68 1942
#69 Mario Bros
#70 Ninja Turtles  
#71 Snow Bros
#72 Mortal Kombat II 
#73 Golden Axe II
#74 Altered Beast
#75 Sinistar
#76 Mortal Kombat III 
#78 Vanguard
#79 Polaris
#80 Night Driver
#81 Dodge Em             1979
#82 Crystal Castles
#83 Breakout
#84 Jr. Pac-Man
#85 Marble Madness       1985

Friday, October 7, 2022

Another 7800 game

 I finally picked up Joust for the Atari 7800 system.  I remember the first time seeing this on the 7800 in a department store, I was just in owe.  My Joust collection is now at 6 different versions:

Monday, September 19, 2022

simple question

Here is a simple question that leads to speculation; Why is Yars Recharged not available on the Atari console when all the other Recharged game are?  Yars Recharged is the latest game that came out in August 2022.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

I'll get this out of the way

I'll get this statement out of the way....  I am very disappointed tonight. I think #Ford dropped the ball. Who wants a car that looks like a Mazda had a child with a Camaro?!?!?

Not aggressive, not iconic, no mustang flare.

I do have some pickups. I purchased a new Hyperkin Trooper 2 Premium joystick controller for Odyssey2 and z26 2600 games. I also picked up Spiderman 3 for the DS. Really pleased with both purchases.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

VCS 800 sale I missed

I'm pretty bumbed about my missed opportunity when GS sold the Atari VCS 800 full bundle for only $99.

Currently they have the stand alone onyx for $179

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Yars: Recharged

In 2021 and 2022, Atari has been releasing some really cool stuff. If you like Yars Revenge and you like Yars Return, you will love Atari's new Yars: Recharged.

So many fun elements that make this a Yars game, but with great graphics and new twists. For example, with the Atari 2600 games, you get the cannon to destroy your enemy, but with this game you must also man the cannon with your Yar. Also you only have a safe zone when the cannon is operational. The complexity of each level also keeps the game more interesting than it's predecessors. This game is available on many game platforms, but I purchased my digital copy for the Switch. I give it a thumbs up and at $10, the game is a great buy.

Yars' Revenge was released in 1982 as an original Atari 2600 cartridge game.

Yars' Return was released in 2005 as an official Atari title on Flashback 2 and greater.

Yars: Recharged was released by Atari August 2022.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Some game pickups this weekend.

A little Activision Friday afternoon pickup from the local game store. What I got was Activision's modernized remake of Atari's Asteroids for PlayStation One and Activision's Barnstorming for the Atari 2600.  I have never played either game before. 

Additionally, I picked a replacement for my Pick Axe Pete for the Odyssey 2.  Also looking for a replacement for my UFO game.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Popeye, a little local 2600 pickup

Popeye for the Atari 2600

A fun game of catching hearts while avoiding Brutis. Does not have some of the elements, but has much of the original arcade and for the 2600, not too bad.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Bad issue with my ColecoVision Flashback

I turned on the ColecoVision Flashback last night and received a scrambled startup screen. Turned off the system, had the same screen. Turned the ColecoVision Flashback off one more time and the system displayed vertical color bars. For the remainder of my troubleshooting, that is all I received.

So I opened up the system to look for some obvious reason for the issue.

Not quite like opening up other systems to troubleshoot. The board is a fraction of the size of the console case and screwed on the the upper side so that when opening the case up, the underbelly of the board is exposed. That said, the board looked clean of dust, corrosion, and other issues.

The solder points, resisters, and capastors look good to me.

Power looks good and the video chip is working, thus the color bars. It is my opinioin that the ROM has gone bad. I will likely do what others have done a put a PI in this.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Huge weekly pick this week

First, I want to ackknowledge that today is the 18th aniversary of Tracy's Death. Went to the grave with my children with with Tracy.

Items that I picked up for game room over the week, including today:

First on the break down, Dice:
- 7 dice set, hand crafted silver with gold accent
- 2 dice set, hand crafted green onyx

Next, Video game system and games.

- Atari 7800 ProSystem Console. I have been wanting this for a long time.

- Additional 10 Controllers:
- - 4 Atari 2600 paddle controllers.
- - 4 Atari 2600 joystick controllers.
- - 2 Atari 7800 joystick contollers.

- 17 Games including
- - Donkey Kong for Atari 2600 varient A (Coleco)
- - Donkey Kong for Atari 2600 varient B (Atari)
- - Donkey Kong Junior for Atari 2600
- - Jr Pac-Man for 2600
- - Pitfall for 2600
- - Warplock for 2600
- - Frogger for 2600
- - Dig Dug for Atari 7800
- - Pole Position II for Atari 7800

Friday, July 8, 2022

Here is a fun treat, Super Mario!

From Jcw87's Web Projects, here is a fun treat, Super Mario!

    Additionally, I have reworked my Game Room page:

    A new favorite platformer I have discovered is Space Panic. Predates and influenced Donkey Kong.  Game play needs some explanation, as it is not obvious at first, but once you understand how to play, quite fun.  I have it on the ColecoVision and it is a fun game that I had never played before.
  • Saturday, July 2, 2022


    Screen shot from ColecoVision (Real Hardware)

    A great game I have discovered, Mecha-8.  As far as I can tell, the game has only been released for 3 systems; the MSX, ColecoVision, and Sega Master System.  None of these I would call mainstream game systems today.  

    Mecha-8 by Nanochess for the Colecovision uses enhanced sound from Opcode's super game module (SGM). This is incorporated in the version that is released for ColecoVision Flashback by AtGames (both 60 game and 61 game version).

    My AtGames ColecoVision Flashback 61

    This is a scrolling shooter with outstanding game play, music, graphics, variety in environment, and fun 'bosses' for such a game.  I can't image what this game would have done for ColecoVision if it had come out in 1983.

    Video for Sega Master System:

    Video for ColecoVision:

    Video for MSX

    Saturday, June 25, 2022

    2 more 2600 pickups, 6 total 2600 games over this last week

    Today I picked up the horrible, but famous Atari 2600 Pac-man and ET.

    On the positive side, I finally got Star Wars: Empire Strikes back, Joust, Freeway, and

    Star Voyager. This puts my collection at 118 unique games for the Atari 2600

    Sunday, June 12, 2022

    Fun pickups for game room

    "All play all day" metal sign $5 at target

    Pac-man, three ghosts, and shelf $25 total at Five Below.


    Saturday, June 4, 2022

    Thursday, June 2, 2022

    Two new Ms. PAC-MAN pickups

    Today I picked up a Ms. PAC-MAN for the Atari 2600 and for the Sega Genesis.


    Friday, May 27, 2022

    Today’s pickup

    I have been looking to get vanguard for a while. Found this really nice looking one for $5 today 

    This is my horrible stack on one particular table I need to do something with. Sony VCR, PlayStation 2, Blu-ray player, and Atari 2600.


    Thursday, May 26, 2022

    This week's pickups

     I picked up Star Wars Battlefront for the PlayStation for $3 in really good shape.  Picked up a very high quality Sony VCR for my Atari 2600 for the RF Demodulator. $15 and it looks great on my 70" 4k TV.

    It has been a while since I picked up baseball cards, but I picked up nearly 5 thousand of them, and many Chicago Cubs players and HoFers.  Happy with the pickup, but getting to the point I need to start to consider selling.

    Saturday, May 21, 2022

    Atari 2600 bargin pickups

    Maddie and I went to BN video game show today. I got three games I was wanting for the Atari 2600:

    Berzerk, Star Raiders, and Defender... for $1 each.  Tested them on site and working.

    Also picked up Sorcerer, Gorf, Jungle Hunt, and Centipede, also all $1 each.  I tested Gorf on site.

    Memory struggle

    I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...