Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Dice Set has grown.

Since I very informally started collecting dice, my collection has grown.

When I last posted in Feb 2018, my dice collection has nearly doubled from 17 sets of dice to 30.
At that time, I did not call it a collection, but now it kind of is. So I'm going to start sharing more sets, little by little.

First things first - How do I catalog/describe my dice? I have broken up my collection of dice into 7 dice types, 4 dice functions types, and 4 dice displays types:
Dice Base Types:
  4 sided
  6 sided
  8 sided
10 sided
10 base 10 sided
12d =
12 sided
20d =
20 sided
Dice function types:
N= numberC= compassB= bodyS= situation
Dice display types:
Top or vertical aligned
1= dice4t dice10v
Bottom, horizontal, and/or underscored.
2= dice4b dice6u dice10h dice20u
3= dice6d dice20d
Pip only numbers
4= dice6p
Here is a listing of my collection:

Set 18 - 11 pcs - Red Pearl
D&D Brand
4d    N1   Red Pearl
6d    N3   Red Pearl
6d    N3   Red Pearl
6d    N3   Red Pearl
6d    N3   Red Pearl
8d    N3   Red Pearl
10d   N23  Red Pearl
10dT  N23  Red Pearl
12d   N3   Red Pearl
20d   N3   Red Pearl
20d   N3   Red Pearl

Set 19 - 9 pcs - multi-color

d12  N2  White
d12  N2  Light Blue
d12  N2  White
d12  N2  Light Blue
d12  N2  White
d12  N2  Orange
d12  N2  White
d12  N2  Orange
d12  N2  White

Set 20 - 7 pcs - Dark Red & Black Pearl

d4   N1  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d6   N2  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d8   N2  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d10  N2  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d10T N1  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d12  N3  Dark Red & Black Pearl
d20  N3  Dark Red & Black Pearl

Monday, February 6, 2023

five favorite cards

I have selected five favorite cards from each of the first 5 Cubs Team sets.
Set 01  1958 Topps      ,Total,5 
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,
    Bobby Thomson       ,33.8 ,                   ,
    Moe Drabowsky       ,19.7 ,
    Dale Long           ,10.2 ,
    Bobby Morgan        , 9.5 ,
----Rejected---         ,
    Sam Taylor          , 2.2 ,
    Dick Drott          ,-0.9 ,	
    Cal Neeman          , 1.2 ,
    Elvin Tappe         ,-0.2 ,
    Dave Hillman        , 5.9 ,
    Lee Walls           , 8.1 ,
    Ed Mayer            , 0.2 ,
    Taylor Phillips     ,-1.7 ,


Set 02  1959 Topps      ,Total,   5 
    Ernie Banks	        ,67.7 ,   *
    Alvin Dark          ,43.8 ,   *
    Bobby Adams         ,15.7 ,   *
    John Buzhardt       ,11.2 ,   *
    Mo Thacker	        ,-0.6 ,   *
    Art Ceccarelli      ,-3.2 ,   -
    Jim Bolger	        ,-1.4 ,   -
    Marcelino Solis     ,-1.1 ,   -


Set 03  1960 Topps      ,Total,   5        
    Walt Moryn	        ,9.9  ,   *
    Lou Johnson         ,8.1  ,   *
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,   *
    George Altman       ,13.0 ,   *
    Frank Thomas        ,18.7 ,   *
    Dick Drott	        ,-0.9 ,   -
    Art Ceccarelli      ,-3.2 ,   -
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Al Schroll          ,-0.5 ,   -
    Cal Neeman          , 1.2 ,   -


Set 04  1961 Topps      ,Total,   5
    Ron Santo	        ,70.5 ,   *
    Billy Williams      ,63.6 ,   *	
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,   *
    Frank Thomas        ,18.7 ,   *
    Jim Brewer          ,15.9 ,   *
----Rejected ---
    Glen Hobbie	        ,5.9  ,   -
    Ed Bouchee	        ,8.4  ,   -
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Moe Thacker         ,-0.6 ,
    Danny Murphy        ,0.1  ,
    Joe Schaffernoth    , 0.3 ,
    Seth Morehead       ,-0.3 ,


Set 05  1962 Topps      ,Total,5
    George Altman       ,13.0 ,   *       ,	
    Dick Ellsworth      ,20.1 ,   *
    Lou Brock	        ,45.3 ,   *
    Billy Williams      ,63.6 ,   *
    Jim Brewer          ,15.9 ,   *
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Bob Will            ,-0.5 ,   -
    Cuno Barragan       ,-0.4
    Barney Schultz      ,3.7

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...