Monday, February 6, 2023

five favorite cards

I have selected five favorite cards from each of the first 5 Cubs Team sets.
Set 01  1958 Topps      ,Total,5 
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,
    Bobby Thomson       ,33.8 ,                   ,
    Moe Drabowsky       ,19.7 ,
    Dale Long           ,10.2 ,
    Bobby Morgan        , 9.5 ,
----Rejected---         ,
    Sam Taylor          , 2.2 ,
    Dick Drott          ,-0.9 ,	
    Cal Neeman          , 1.2 ,
    Elvin Tappe         ,-0.2 ,
    Dave Hillman        , 5.9 ,
    Lee Walls           , 8.1 ,
    Ed Mayer            , 0.2 ,
    Taylor Phillips     ,-1.7 ,


Set 02  1959 Topps      ,Total,   5 
    Ernie Banks	        ,67.7 ,   *
    Alvin Dark          ,43.8 ,   *
    Bobby Adams         ,15.7 ,   *
    John Buzhardt       ,11.2 ,   *
    Mo Thacker	        ,-0.6 ,   *
    Art Ceccarelli      ,-3.2 ,   -
    Jim Bolger	        ,-1.4 ,   -
    Marcelino Solis     ,-1.1 ,   -


Set 03  1960 Topps      ,Total,   5        
    Walt Moryn	        ,9.9  ,   *
    Lou Johnson         ,8.1  ,   *
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,   *
    George Altman       ,13.0 ,   *
    Frank Thomas        ,18.7 ,   *
    Dick Drott	        ,-0.9 ,   -
    Art Ceccarelli      ,-3.2 ,   -
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Al Schroll          ,-0.5 ,   -
    Cal Neeman          , 1.2 ,   -


Set 04  1961 Topps      ,Total,   5
    Ron Santo	        ,70.5 ,   *
    Billy Williams      ,63.6 ,   *	
    Ernie Banks         ,67.7 ,   *
    Frank Thomas        ,18.7 ,   *
    Jim Brewer          ,15.9 ,   *
----Rejected ---
    Glen Hobbie	        ,5.9  ,   -
    Ed Bouchee	        ,8.4  ,   -
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Moe Thacker         ,-0.6 ,
    Danny Murphy        ,0.1  ,
    Joe Schaffernoth    , 0.3 ,
    Seth Morehead       ,-0.3 ,


Set 05  1962 Topps      ,Total,5
    George Altman       ,13.0 ,   *       ,	
    Dick Ellsworth      ,20.1 ,   *
    Lou Brock	        ,45.3 ,   *
    Billy Williams      ,63.6 ,   *
    Jim Brewer          ,15.9 ,   *
    Sammy Taylor        ,2.2  ,   -
    Bob Will            ,-0.5 ,   -
    Cuno Barragan       ,-0.4
    Barney Schultz      ,3.7

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