Wednesday, October 25, 2023

1984 Topps

I continually finding cards for sets I have been looking for a flee markets. 1970 Topps and up. Oddly I been seeing more 1984 than I normally see.
Here are the cards I have picked up individually this fall.
Roe Skidmore Jim Dunegan     , 1971, Topps Standard , Chi Cubs      , 121 , RC,DH/pitcher
Alan Ashby                   , 1980, Topps Standard , Hou Astros    , 187 ,   ,catcher
Mike Jorgensen               , 1980, Topps Standard , TX Rangers    , 213 ,   ,1st
Dave Freisleben              , 1980, Topps Standard , Tor Blue Jays , 382 ,   ,pitcher
Dennis Lamp                  , 1984, Topps Standard , Chi White Sox , 541 ,   ,pitcher
Kevin Bass                   , 1984, Topps Standard , Hou Astros    , 538 ,   ,outfield
Biff Pocoroba                , 1984, Topps Standard , Atl Braves    , 438 ,   ,catcher
Mike Vail                    , 1984, Topps Standard , Mon Expos     , 766 ,   ,outfield
Chico Walker                 , 1991, Leaf  Silver   , Chi Cubs      , 501 ,   ,3rd
Tim Hullett                  , 1987, Topps Standard , Chi White Sox , 566 ,   ,2nd-3rd
Bob Boone                    , 1987, Topps Standard , CA Angels     , 166 ,   ,catcher
Ron Oester                   , 1987, Topps Standard , Cin Reds      , 172 ,   ,2nd
Calvin Schiraldi             , 1987, Topps Standard , Bos Red Sox   , 094 ,   ,pitcher
Herm Winningham              , 1987, Topps Standard , Mon Expos     , 141 ,   ,outfield
Greg Swindell                , 1987, Topps Standard , Clv Indians   , 319 ,   ,pitcher
Fred Toliver                 , 1987, Topps Standard , Phi Phillies  , 063 ,   ,pitcher
Ron Guidry                   , 1984, Topps Standard , NY Yankees    , 406 , All-Star card   ,0,pitcher
Johnny Ray                   , 1984, Topps Standard , Pit Pirates   , 387 , All-Star card   ,0,2nd
Pete Rose Bill Madlock Parker, 1984, Topps Standard , Pit Pirates   , 701 , Career batting avg ,0,-
George Brett Rod Carew Cooper, 1984, Topps Standard , CA Angels     , 710 , Career Batting Ldrs ,0,-
Pete Rose Bill Madlock Parker, 1984, Topps Standard , Phi Phillies  , 701 , Career batting avg ,0,-
Fergie Jenkins Steve Carlton , 1984, Topps Standard , Chi Cubs      , 706 , Career Victory   ,0,pitcher
Cesar Cedeno Larry Bowa      , 1984, Topps Standard , Chi Cubs      , 705 , Career Stolen Bases ,0,-
Tommie Agee                  , 1974, Topps Standard , LA Dodgers    , 630T , Traded       ,0,outfield
Mike Squires                 , 1983, Fleer Standard , Chi White Sox , 250 ,   ,1st
Rick Manning                 , 1983, Fleer Standard , Clv Indians   , 413 ,   ,outfield
Richie Scheinblum            , 1970, Topps Standard , Clv Indians   , 161 ,   ,OF
Dennis Blair                 , 1978, Topps Standard , Bal Orioles   , 466 ,   ,P
Nino Espinosa                , 1980, Topps Standard , Phi Phillies  , 447 ,   ,P
Willie Wison Al Oliver       , 1983, Topps Standard , KC Royals     , 701 ,   ,-
Mike Harkey                  , 1994, Leaf  Donruss  , Chi Cubs      , 121 ,   ,P
Tim Crews                    , 1989, Score Standard , LA Dodgers    , 505 ,   ,P
Brook Jacoby                 , 1989, Score Standard , Clv Indians   , 019 ,   ,3rd
Joe Niekro                   , 1987, Leaf  Donruss  , NY Yankees    , 217 ,   ,P
Floyd Bannister              , 1987, Leaf  Donruss  , Chi White Sox , 211 ,   ,P

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