Friday, March 29, 2024

Now that I have the 400

 Now that I have the Atari THE400 mini, overall I am pleased with it.  Playing Time Pilot allows me to tweak the game that Altirra was not to get the best experience for my monitor.  The fact that it keeps the setting separate for each game is awesome and remember when you go back to each game.

The CX-stick was a little frustrating for me playing Donkey Kong. Mostly with the use of ladders. But possibly a me issue.  With Altirra, I was playing using the keyboard.  On the other hand I play a lot of Berzerk on the 2600 with the standard CX Joystick.  Again, the stick did not give me the same play. The Atari computer line Berzerk appears to be a much better version of the game than the 2600 (which is great), but if I'm having trouble aiming my shots, it is a little frustrating.  With those complaints out of the way the CX-stick makes a great control device for navigating the system

I tried to use the PlayStation Mini USB controller, but did not have much luck.  I also tried to use the Hyperkin Trooper 2 Premium USB joystick, also not much luck.

I noticed that this is running Linux with a nice shell that allows you to run the 6502 Atari platform.  I think if we give it enough time, the community will find great ways to make the most out of this device.

One day after the order opening and my serial # is 2369

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Atari THE400 mini secrets

1 - There are more than 25 games installed

2 - more hardware secret with controllers

So how many easter eggs will people find?  How long till this is completely hacked?

By the way, tomorrow is opening day!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Ranking Atari Arcade ports - Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong for 2600 receives 3.5 out of 5 stars

Only two levels of the four were included as only a 4k cartridge was made by Coleco. 

The game has primitive graphics and the system was capable of better graphics.  Really, I can let most of the graphics slide, but the Donkey Kong ape is given no effort at all. 

Despite the horribly drawn ape, the game play does stay fairly true.  The game feels like Donkey Kong.

Several unofficial modern versions of 2600 Donkey Kong have show what this game could have been - and it is a whole lot more than this.  But expectations were much lower for the 2600 when this was released.

Donkey Kong was not made for the Atari 5200  

Donkey Kong for the Atari 8-bit systems receives 4 out of 5 stars

The 8 bit version of Donkey Kong is a huge improvement over the 2600.  The game looks very much more like the arcade version and this has all 4 level screens.  Many more details are added from the arcade version.  Noticeable is the fact that there is one less of the platform girder beams (6 instead of 7) and Donkey Kong is on the right side instead of the left - even the 2600 got those two details correct.

On the other hand, the sound is really good and there are the cut scenes.  This version tries to stay true in many ways.

Donkey Kong for the Atari 7800 receives 4 out of 5 stars

This version adds all the visual details the Atari 8-bit couldn't like the barrel detail as they roll down ladders and characters that most closely resemble the arcade.  Also has the same amount of girder beams as the arcade version.  So why does the 7800 only get 4 out of 5 stars also?  There are only 3 level screens instead of 4 and the sound is sub par to other versions.   

Conclusion.  All three games are great and a lot of fun, but I would rather play the Atari 8-bit or 7800 over the 2600.

In 2018, Playsoft re-released Donkey Kong for the 8-bit Atari computers.  This version improved the graphics greatly - I think making this the one to get for the 8-bit and helping edge out the 7800 version.

[Image credit]

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Archibald Gibson

FDB ID 000073
Name = Archibald Gibson
  Sex = M
  Birth = -- --- 1763
  Death = -- --- 1855
  Note: died at age 92 on his farm in Wilson TN

Archibald Gibson and
   Frances "Fanny" [Moseley Gibson] Eddings married
   on 30 Nov 1823 at
   --, Wilson, TN

Name =  George E Gibson
  Sex = M
  Birth = 16 Feb 1824
  Death = 29 Jun 1904
Name =  Joseph Carroll Gibson
  Sex = M
  Birth = 22 Feb 1815
  Death = 09 Aug 1862
Name =  Unknown Gibson
  Sex = F
Name =  Unknown Gibson
  Sex = F

Saturday, March 16, 2024

At the geek store

Finally picked myself up a keypad for Atari Systems.  I have been wanting one of these for some time. $10 felt like a fair price for one in good condition.  I was also looking at an Atari 800.  Didn't get it as I could not get a view of the mother board and was not sure what year and batch it was made.  Likely the $200 asking price was fair, but hard to justify.

I did manage to get this phot from the board from underneath 


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Diamond GOS 3.0 for Atari 8bit MOS 6502

 Yesterday, downloaded Diamond GOS 1.0, today trying out Diamond GOS 3.0 for Atari 8bit MOS

Friday, March 8, 2024

Diamond GOS Desktop for Atari 8bit Computers

This was an incredible option for software that was geared for the upper capable Atari MOS 8-bit line.  This came out in 1989, but I'm running this for the first time in my life :) We will see if this will run on the new Atari "THE400" mini coming out this month.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Virtual keyboard on Atari's THE400 mini

I was very curious after reading the online manual that is currently shared on about a virtual keyboard for the Atari THE400 mini. To activate the virtual keyboard, the Home and Menu buttons are to be pressed at the same time. To my surprise someone was able to provide a screenshot of this functionality. I believe this person is either a hardware tester for Retro Games or he is an employee for Retro Games.

I love the fact the the virtual keyboard is Atari 400 themed.

Also on this screenshoot, you can see one the high-res frame/border/bezel that is provided with the Atari THE400 mini.

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...