Friday, July 26, 2024

Star Trek stuff...

Today's game pickup! 


This got me thinking, a Star Trek program from scratch would be a great coding project.

Friday, July 12, 2024

continued progress on the TI-99 Slots

logic and the code are pretty well flushed out and done. Still working on the graphics.

Here is the main loop of the code.
425 call hchar(11,13,91,8)
426 call hchar(14,13,103,8)
427 call hchar(12,13,114,8)
428 call hchar(13,13,114,8)
430 C=14
440 FOR I=1 TO 3
450 PIC(I)=INT(10*RND)+1
460 ON PIC(I) GOSUB 840,900,960,1020,1080,1140,1200,1260,1320,1380
470 C=C+2
480 NEXT I
490 REM Scoring
495 if PIC(1)=4 then 660
500 if PIC(1)<>PIC(2) then 520
510 if PIC(2)=PIC(3) then 700
520 if PIC(1)<>PIC(3) then 610
530 GOTO 650
620 print "SORRY! YOU LOSE!"
640 goto 770
655 print "YOU WON $40"
657 GOTO 770
665 print "LEMON - YOU WON $20!"
670 GOTO 770
700 REM Jack POT
710 if PIC(1)=1 Then 730
720 Goto 750
740 Print "JACKPOT! YOU WON $500"
745 GOTO 770
760 Print "JACKPOT! YOU WON $250"
770 print "CURRENT TOTAL: $";TOTAL
780 print "WANT TO PLAY AGAIN?"
810 if STATUS=0 then 800
820 if KEY=89 then 410
830 End

Thursday, July 11, 2024

TI-99 slots - first update on slot machine project

For the TI-99, I got a lot of programming and design done. Here are some of my notes on graphic design.
Notes for Gibson's TI-99 Vegas Slots

Nervous about memory limitations, as I suspect this code will be 
rather large. But if possible, there will be 10 slot graphics: 
- Number 7    - Red - uses color set 8
- Heart       - Red - uses color set 9
- Cherry      - Red with Green stem - uses color set 9 and 10
- Bell        - Blue with black handle
- Lemon       - Yellow 
- Diamond     - Green
- Bar         - Blue
- Double Bar  - Blue
- Triple Bar  - Black - uses color set 15
- Spade       - Black - uses color set 15 

If need be, I will back off the double and/or triple bar.

There will be 3 graphic slots

Each graphic will be 4 characters.

Number 7 - characters 92, 93, 94 95 

    |    |    |      1  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxxx  2  7F FF
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxxx  3  7F FF
 xxx|    |    |xxx   4  70 0E
 xxx|    |    |xxx   5  70 0E
    |    |   x|xx    6  00 1C
    |    |  xx|x     7  00 38
    |    |  xx|x     8  00 38
    |    | xxx|      1  00 70
    |    | xxx|      2  00 70
    |    |xxx |      3  00 E0
    |   x|xx  |      4  01 C0
    |   x|xx  |      5  01 C0
    |  xx|xx  |      6  03 C0
    | xxx|xx  |      7  07 C0
    |    |    |      8  00 00


Heart - Characters 96, 97, 98, 99

    |    |    |      1  00 00
    |    |    |      2  00 00
   x|xx  |  xx|x     3  1C 38
  xx|xxx | xxx|xx    4  3E 7C
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   5  7F FE 
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   6  7F FE 
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   7  7F FE 
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   8  7F FE 
  xx|xxxx|xxxx|xx    1  3F FC
   x|xxxx|xxxx|x     2  1F F8 
    |xxxx|xxxx|      3  0F F0
    | xxx|xxx |      4  07 E0
    |  xx|xx  |      5
    |   x|x   |      6
    |    |    |      7  00 00
    |    |    |      8  00 00

Cherry - Characters 100, 104, 101, 102

    |    |    |      1  00 00
    |    |    |      2  00 00
    |    |    | xx   3  00 06
    |    |    |x     4  00 08
    |    |   x|      5  00 10
   x|xxxx|  x |      6  1F 20
  xx|xxxx| x  |      7  3F 40
 xxx|xxxx|x   |      8  7F 80
 xxx|xxxx|xxx |      1  7F E0
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|      2  7F F0
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|      3  7F F0
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|      4  7F F0
  xx|xxxx|xxxx|      5  3F F0
  xx|xxxx|xxx |      6  3F E0
   x|xxxx|xx  |      7  1F C0
    |   |     |      9  00 00

Bar - character 136, 137, 138, 139 - Blue

    |    |    |      1  00 00
    |    |    |      2  00 00
    |    |    |      3  00 00
    |    |    |      4  00 00
    |    |    |      5  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   6  3F FF
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   7  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   8  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   1  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   2  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   3  3F FC
    |    |    |      4  00 00
    |    |    |      5  00 00
    |    |    |      6  00 00
    |    |    |      7  00 00
    |    |    |      8  00 00

Double Bar - character 140, 141, 142, 143 - Blue

    |    |    |      1  00 00
    |    |    |      2  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   3  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   4  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   5  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   6  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   7  3F FC
    |    |    |      8  00 00
    |    |    |      1  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   2  3F FF
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   3  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   4  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   5  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   6  3F FC
    |    |    |      7  00 00
    |    |    |      8  00 00


Triple Bar - character 144, 145, 146, 147 - Blue

    |    |    |      1  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   2  3F FF
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   3  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   4  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   5  3F FC
    |    |    |      6  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   7  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   8  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   1  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   2  3F FC
    |    |    |      3  00 00
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   4  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   5  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   6  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   7  3F FC
    |    |    |      8  00 00


Spade - character 148, 149, 150, 151 - Black

    |    |    |      1  00 00
    |   x|x   |      2  01 80
    |  xx|xx  |      3  03 C0
    | xxx|xxx |      4  37 E0
    |xxxx|xxxx|      5  0F F0
   x|xxxx|xxxx|x     6  1F F8
  xx|xxxx|xxxx|xx    7  3F FC
  xx|xxxx|xxxx|xx    8  3F FC
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   1  3F FE
 xxx|xxxx|xxxx|xxx   2  3F FE
  xx|xxxx|xxxx|xx    3  3F FC
   x|x xx|xx x|x     4  3F 
    |  xx|xx  |      5  3F 
    | xxx|xxx |      6  3F 
    |xxxx|xxxx|      7  0F F0 
    |    |    |      8  00 00

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Do something a little different [coding]

I'm going to do something a little differnt and hopefully fun. I'm going to program a software slot machine, and hopefully a good one. Not only that, but I'm going to create 3 diffent code bases: one application for the Atari 8 Bit platform in Atari Basic, one application for the TI-99/4A 16 bit platform in TI-Standard Basic, and lastly one for the Microsoft/Intel 32 Bit platform in Microsoft Basic. As I Develop the notes, logic flow, bits of source code, graphic design, I will post the material on this blog. Eventually posting links to code.

Of course whatever I finalize, finish (or not finish), I will share as open source to share freely. I have already started this process first in my head, now in notepad. Hopefully, I will share material soon.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

TI-99/4A tips and tricks

How to print memory:

at TI-BASIC command line, type:
1 m=m+8
2 gosub 1
The screen turns green and runs for a bit until the following error:
* memory full in 1 
Now type:
print m


Using the delete function
Since the TI-99/4A doesn't have a backspace or delete key, you can hold 
down Function and press Cursor Left by pressing Function S. 

Then, continue holding down Function and press Delete to delete the 
character to the left of the cursor.

Golf Discs and their numbers

In the post, I'm going to talk about the 5 primary characteristics of golf discs: Weight, Speed, Glide, Turn, and Fade (plus a couple ...