Thursday, September 24, 2020

The 3 worst valued cards in Topps 1965

This blog entry is about the 5 worst valued cards in the Topps 1965 set. I'm also including runner ups in this category.

How did this post come about? Well, I have my baseball card collection is now on hold.  I have packed up my over 50 thousand cards while I prepare to move to my new home.  But while packing and sorting my Topps 1965 collection, I stumbled on some cards of players I new little about.

But first I would like to mention players that did not quite make it to the least valuable cards list. There was some redeeming reason in their career that makes their card value a low common. None the less, their career WARs were pretty bad:

Name             WAR   Team       Card#
Dalton Jones     -3.9  Red Sox    178
Dave Nicholson    0.5  White Sox  183
Jim Coker        -0.1  Reds       192
Jim Stewart      -1.2  Cubs       298
Vic Roznovsky    -0.8  Cubs       334
Joe Christopher   0.2  Mets       495

card #1 of the worst 3

First of which is of Bob Meyer (card # 219) of the Kansas City Athletics. I am not 100% sure, but he may be the worst player in the set. This is Bob's MLB rookie card. The cartoon on the back say "Bob led the Eastern League in Bases on Balls in 1961". Sure thing that leading in walks as a pitcher is nothing to brag about.  Is this the best fact Topps could find on Bob? Well I found worse facts about Bob. In his first year, Bob played for three different teams. Bob only played in the MLB for a total of 3 years for a total of 5 different teams in three years. Lets look at some facts:
- Before the 1960 Season: Signed by the New York Yankees as an amateur free agent.
- Start of the 1964 season he pitched in 7 games with the Yankees.
- June 12, 1964: Bob was purchased by the Los Angeles Angels from the New York Yankees.
- He pitched in 6 games with the Angels.
- July 29, 1964: Purchased by the Kansas City Athletics from the Los Angeles Angels.
- Then he pitched in 9 games with the Athletics.
- After that he had a long break from MLB. - On August 29, 1969; Bob was Traded by the Oakland Athletics with Pete Koegel to the Seattle Pilots for Fred Talbot.
- He pitched a total of 6 games for the Pilots.
- The 1970 season, Bob pitched in 10 games for the Brewers.
- March 27, 1971: Released by the Milwaukee Brewers. That was the end of his MLB career.

That is his career in a nutshell. He struggled with each and every team. That said, he was not the worst of the worst. In fact Bob does not come close to having the worst WAR I have ever seen.  Not good either with career WAR of -0.5

SUMMARY   WAR   Games   Innings Wins  Loses  Strike outs
Career    -0.5  38      129.1   2     12      92

card #2 of the worst 5

It is actually hard to find really bad players, but searching though my Topps 1965 set, I did find a catcher named Doug.

Doug Camilli (card # 77) had a career WAR of -0.9. He had 5 seasons where his batting average was well belong .200.  His 1962 year was his best year with 16 runs, 22 RBI, and .284 batting average.  The rest of his batting career was a huge struggle. Didn't matter if he was or was not a good catcher, with his batting performance - he did not get the plate appearances.

Year  BA _
1961  .133
1963  .162
1964  .172
1965  .192
1966  .206
1967  .183

card #3 of the worst 3

Jimmie Schaffer (card # 313) of the New York Mets is the next player whose cards hold very little value. Jimmie is someone who has 128 hits in his career with 127 strike outs. An eight year career with 6 different teams. It could be argued that every year he became a worse hitter.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Binders that I have put together

Here is a list of baseball card binders that I have put together, or in the act of putting together.

1965 Topps               1 binder
1967 Topps               1 binder
1970 Topps               1 binder
1975 Topps               1 binder
1977 Topps               1 binder
1978 Topps               1 binder
1979 Topps               1 binder
1981 Fleer               1 binder
1982 Topps               1 binder
1983 Topps               1 binder
1984 Topps               1 binder
1985 Topps               1 binder
1985 Donruss             1 binder
1986 Topps               1 binder
1986 Fleer               1 binder
1986 Donruss             1 binder
1987 Topps               1 binder
1987 Donruss             1 binder
1988 Topps               1 binder [in progress]
1988 Fleer               1 binder
1988 Donruss             1 binder
1988 Score               1 binder
1989 Standard Topps      6 binders [all 6 completed]
1989 Standard Fleer      2 binders [in progress almost complete]
1989 Donruss             1 binder  [completed]

1989 Upper Deck          1 binder

1990 Standard Topps      2 binders [1 completed]

1990 Standard Fleer      1/2? binder

1990 Donruss             1 binder

1990 Upper Deck          1 binder

1991 Standard Topps      1 binder

1991 Upper Deck          1 binder

1992 Standard Topps      1 binder

1992 Upper Deck          1 binder

1993 Standard Topps      1 binder

1993 Standard Fleer      1 binder

1993 Upper Deck          2 binders  [completed]

1994 Upper Deck          1 binder

1995 Standard Topps      1 binder

1996 standard Topps      1 binder

This is not a complete list. I will come back to update this from time to time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

New FVWM..... FVWM 3 is released!!


vwm3-1.0.0 released

Repository: fvwmorg/fvwm3 · Tag: 1.0.0 · Commit: 5c920c3 · Released by: ThomasAdam

This is the first public release of Fvwm3.

Migration from Fvwm2 -> Fvwm3

Every effort has been taken to ensure backwards compatability with Fvwm2 as much as possible. Although the configuration syntax remains the same, there some breaking changes with this first release of Fvwm3. Details are below...

Incompatible Changes

The following are changes or features in this release of Fvwm3 which are known not to work or are incomplete in some way. In each case, more information can be found by looking at Fvwm3's issue list.

  • EdgeScroll -- can behave strangely if using more than one monitor
  • PanFrames -- can sometimes be placed inconsistently around monitor borders, meaning switching desks/pages with >1 monitor can sometimes misbehave;
  • FvwmPager -- moving windows within the pager can sometimes make them appear in a different location to where they should be.

Core dependencies required to build Fvwm3

These libraries have been made mandatory, and the devel versions as well as the binary versions will be needed for both compilation and run-time:

  • librandr (>= 1.5)
  • libbson (>= 1.16.2)
  • libevent-dev (>= 2.0)
  • libxt-dev

For further details, see:

Functional changes

New additions

  • RandR support can be configured via the DesktopConfiguration command. If this command is not present in a user's configuration file, the default behaviour is to mimick Fvwm2, whereby when switching desks/pages, the same desk/page across all monitors is changed. This is what the global option to DesktopConfiguration does. If per-monitor is specified, then each monitor has its own list of desktops/pages which can be configured independently of one another.
    • FvwmPager has gained a new option Monitor to work with independent monitors.
  • FvwmMFL -- a new module to supply third-party programs with fvwm3 state information`
  • FvwmPrompt -- a new module written in golang./configure --enable-golang needed at compile time
  • FvwmForm has been reinstated.
  • The GotoDesk command has learned a new option next to go to the next desktop.
  • The core of fvwm3 no longer logs to stderr, and instead a dedicated file ($[FVWM_USERDIR]/fvwm3-output.log by default) is used to capture debug information from fvwm3
    • This logging can be toggled by sending SIGUSR2 to running fvwm3 instance.
  • FvwmForm: the Timeout option now operates in 1000ms, rather than in seconds.
  • Colorsets have gained the following options: .lighten.darken.hash to help with colour manipulations without requiring PipeRead/external tools.
  • FvwmEvent gains: monitor_enabledmonitor_disabledmonitor_changed event hooks to react to when RandR changes. Usual fvwm functions/scripts can take advantage of this.
  • A few new expansion variables for monitors: $[monitor.<n>.x], ... which expose information from RandR

Removed features

  • Support for Xinerama has been removed, replaced with RandR.
  • The Recapture and RecaptureWindow commands have been removed;
  • FvwmConsole is deprecated; FvwmPrompt is preferred if golang is installed and --enable-golang is used at compile time.
  • libstroke support has been removed.
  • The following modules have been removed:
    • FvwmBanner -- can use an external program for this;
    • FvwmCommand/FvwmCommandS -- replaced with FvwmPrompt
    • FvwmCpp /FvwmM4 -- old and not used by many users;
    • FvwmProxy -- interesting experiment, but removed. Some functionality may well integrate in to the core of fvwm3.
  • fvwm-bug and fvwm-menu-headlines scripts have been removed.

Reporting Problems

Please report any problems using GitHub's issue tracker for Fvwm3:

This release has 3 assets:

  • fvwm3-1.0.0.tar.gz
  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...