Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Such a strange error card

The strange 2014 Non-Yelich Error card. No clue who is on that card, but it is not gangly awkward Yelich.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

pushing through cards

Feels like two years of just pushing though sorting 1989-1991 cards. Soooo many of them and I still feel like I'm not close to the sumit of completion. While doing this, I have continued to work on team sets of 50s, 60s, and 2000s. I would have never thought that 2002 would be one of the hardest to put together. Although looking at Topps 2002 Checklist, it is not that hard to see why people would want to hold on to this year.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

1964 Topps cubs collection

1964 Topps Chicago Cubs cards
- Larry Jackson - 5xAS, NL wins leader, and CY runner up
- Lou Brock - 6xAS and HoF
- Billy Williams - 6xAS and HoF
- Ernie Banks - 14xAS, 2xMVP, and HoF
- Bob Buhl - 2xAS

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

1990 Topps Cubs Team Set completed

My 1990 Topps Cubs Team Set is complete, times 2. This set was put together piece by piece between 1990 and 2020. As now complete, there are two complete sets and several partial. There are 31 cards in the standard set. The cards with a '2 x *' besides them were the cards hardest to come by. I have 10 Mark Grace cards, so that appeared to be the easiest for me. Below is the break down.
==1990 Topps Cubs==
=31 cards ++++
=2 complete sets *
1   12 Joe Girardi RC         , 5  x
2   37 Domingo Ramos          , 7  x  .
3   67 Scott Sanderson        , 9  x
4   86 Paul Kilgus            , 2  x **
5  114 Mike Bielecki          , 6  x
6  134 Earl Cunningham RC     , 5  x  .
7  140 Andre Dawson           , 4  x
8  187 Rick Wrona             , 6  x  .
9  210 Ryne Sandberg          , 3  x
10 240 Mark Grace             , 10 x  .
11 256 Marvell Wynne          , 2  x **
12 287 Vance Law              , 7  x  .
13 311 Dwight Smith RC        , 7  x
14 337 Lloyd McClendon        , 4  x  .
15 362 Damon Berryhill        , 5  x
16 378 Luis Salazar           , 5  x  .
17 398 Ryne Sandberg All Star , 2  x **
18 415 Shawon Dunston         , 3  x  .
19 437 Les Lancaster          , 7  x
20 464 Jerome Walton RC       , 3  x  .
21 502 Mitch Webster          , 2  x **
22 520 Mitch Williams         , 3  x  .
23 541 Pat Perry              , 7  x
24 549 Don Zimmer  Manager    , 2  x **
25 613 Jeff Pico              , 6  x
26 640 Rick Sutcliffe         , 5  x  .
27 644 Paul Assenmacher       , 7  x
28 667 Curt Wilkerson         , 5  x  .
29 715 Greg Maddux            , 3  x
30 741 Steve Wilson           , 2  x **
31 762 Doug Dascenzo          , 6  x
   CS3 Ryne Sandberg          , 1     .

Friday, May 7, 2021

Advancing my 1958 Topps Chicago Sets

Last night I purchased four more 1958 Topps cards.
Jim Wilson            , 1958, 1, Topps , Standard , Chi White Sox
Billy Goodman         , 1958, 1, Topps , Standard , Chi White Sox 
Don Rudolph           , 1958, 1, Topps , Standard , Chi White Sox 
Taylor Phillips       , 1958, 1, Topps , Standard , Chi Cubs 
This is now the status of my Cubs and White Sox stand for 1958:
= 1958 Chicago Cubs                                   =
== Have
033  Cal Neeman         Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  c
144  Bobby Morgan       Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  2
281  Sam Taylor         Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  c
184  Elvin Tappe        Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  c
041  Dave Hillman       Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  p
135  Mike Drabowsky     Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  p
066  Lee Walls          Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  p
080  Dick Drott         Topps  Chi cubs         1958  p
310  Ernie Banks        Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  s
430  Bobby Thomson      Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  o
461  Ed Mayer           Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  p
007  Dale Long          Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  1
159  Taylor Phillips    Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  p

== Need 
091  Chuck Tanner       Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  o
099  Bobby Adams        Topps  Chi Cubs         1958  3

= 1958 Chicago White Sox                              =
== Have
200  Bob Keegan         Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p
453  Tom Qualters       Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p
011  Jim Rivera         Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  o
338  Walt Dropo         Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  1
290  Dick Donovan       Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p
163  Jim Wilson         Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p
225  Billy Goodman      Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  3
347  Don Rudolph        Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p

== Need
085  Luis Aparicio      Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  s
177  Al Smith           Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  o
056  Bill Fischer       Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  p
153  Less Moss          Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  c
400  Nellie Fox         Topps  Chi White Sox    1958  2

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Advancing my early Topps cards

Slowly, but surely, I'm advancing my early Topps cards
I finally pulled the trigger on this card that I have wanted for years.  A Topps 1961 Ernie Banks. Below is how my 1961 Chicago teams are going (yes, there are two Billy Williams and Ed Bouchee):
Card #  Brand  Year  Name              Team         	
012     Topps  1961  Moe Thacker       Chi Cubs		 
035     Topps  1961  Ron Santo         Chi Cubs	
058     Topps  1961  Joe Schaffernoth  Chi Cubs		 
107     Topps  1961  Seth Morehead     Chi Cubs		 
141     Topps  1961  Billy Williams    Chi Cubs
141     Topps  1961  Billy Williams    Chi Cubs	
196     Topps  1961  Ed Bouchee        Chi Cubs		 
196     Topps  1961  Ed Bouchee        Chi Cubs
214     Topps  1961  Danny Murphy      Chi Cubs
253     Topps  1961  Sammy Taylor      Chi Cubs		 
264     Topps  1961  Glen Hobbie       Chi Cubs		 
317     Topps  1961  Jim Brewer        Chi Cubs
350     Topps  1961  Ernie Banks       Chi Cubs
382     Topps  1961  Frank Thomas      Chi Cubs		 
391     Topps  1961  Winston Brown     Chi White Sox
I have also expanded my Chicago 1958 cards with the recent purchase of 3 cards; Dale Long, Jim Rivera, and Walt Dropo.
My 1958 Chicago collection now looks like this:

Card #  Brand  Year  Name              Team          	
007     Topps  1958  Dale Long         Chi Cubs		 
011     Topps  1958  Jim Rivera        Chi White Sox		 
033     Topps  1958  Cal Neeman        Chi Cubs		 
041     Topps  1958  Dave Hillman      Chi Cubs		 
066     Topps  1958  Lee Walls         Chi Cubs		 
080     Topps  1958  Dick Drott        Chi cubs		 
135     Topps  1958  Mike Drabowsky    Chi Cubs		 
144     Topps  1958  Bobby Morgan      Chi Cubs		 
184     Topps  1958  Elvin Tappe       Chi Cubs		 
200     Topps  1958  Bob Keegan        Chi White Sox		 
281     Topps  1958  Sam Taylor        Chi Cubs		 
310     Topps  1958  Ernie Banks       Chi Cubs		 
338     Topps  1958  Walt Dropo        Chi White Sox		 
430     Topps  1958  Bobby Thomson     Chi Cubs	 
453     Topps  1958  Tom Qualters      Chi White Sox		 
461     Topps  1958  Ed Mayer          Chi Cubs	
Concerning binder work, I have completed all my score card binders and have now moved on to 1991 Fleer.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Binder progress.

Topps 1988 binder - done
Fleer 1988 binder - done - complete plus
Donruss 1988 binder - done
Score 1988 binder - in progress
Score 1989 binder - in progress
Score 1990 binder - in progress
Score 1991 binder - not stated
Topps 1990 binders - in progress

Yes, I continue to work on the three Topps 1990 binders too. Here are the cards I'm sorting to find:
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #201
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #221
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #417
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #431
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #438
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #445
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #446
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #448
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #451
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #455
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #457
1990 Topps Std binder 1 #459

1990 Topps Std binder 2 #035
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #036
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #043
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #044
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #051
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #052
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #055
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #070
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #083
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #115
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #135
1990 Topps Std binder 2 #137

Sunday, January 31, 2021

9 pocket sheets

I have purchase hundreds of hundreds of 9 pocket card sheets and have been discouraged and how the quality has continued to go down while the price at Walmart and Meijer is now $6 for just 35 for Ultra "pro" sheets. As I have posted before, I have been exploring alternatives. One such alternative is Amazon brand sheets.  Yes, Amazon brand.  I was very pleasantly surprised. 100 sheets for $11 and better quality that what I can purchase at Walmart.  With a thicker mill and easy fit, I was very happy.


Now I'm exploring Gold Seal 9 pocket sheets that are 100 sheets for $17.50.

  • 100-Ct. clear HEAVYWEIGHT trading card sleeve pages/protectors, 8.5" x 11"
  • 9 Pockets per page times 100 pages gives you storage for 900 cards!
  • Single-sided top loading for easy card insertion
  • Durable, nonstick, non-glare, archival safe and acid free
  • Reinforced heat-sealed seams to last

Monday, January 11, 2021

1990 Topps

I now have spent a week on Topps 1990. I own way more 1990 Topps cards than I thought I owned. I am 99% sure I have two complete sets and most likely many incomplete sets. I'm thinking at this time that I will probably only keep 3 binders worth. I admit I like these cards better than when I purchased them in 1990. Since I have hardly touched them since then, they are in great condition. I did pick up a few hundred of them (maybe over a thousand) in 2020 while aquiring other cards.

12 Most Valuable 1990 Topps Baseball Cards

#414 Frank Thomas Rookie Card
#336 Ken Griffey Jr.
#692 Sammy Sosa Rookie Card
#757 Larry Walker Rookie Card
#701 Bernie Williams Rookie Card
#331 Juan Gonzalez Rookie Card
#1 Nolan Ryan
#2 Nolan Ryan (The Mets Years) Baseball Card
#3 Nolan Ryan (The Angels Years) Baseball Card
#4 Nolan Ryan (The Astros Years) Baseball Card
#5 Nolan Ryan (The Rangers Years) Baseball Card
#300 Bo Jackson Baseball Card

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

2021 Goals

1) Catalog at least half of my 1990's baseball cards. I have many thousands to do. I believe 10-15 thousand cards between 1990 - 1999 that still need to be cataloged.

2) Additionally, I would like to put all of my 1990's cards into binders. That project will be expensive and as time consuming as goal #1.

3) Also I would like to create more videos for youtube and try to make them more pesonalble.

4) Lastly, I will be aquiring more cards, but purchase less and specifically for certain holes in the following sets:
1959 Topps
1962 Topps
1964 Topps
1972 Topps

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...