Thursday, May 25, 2023

Notes about Pitfall II

Unlike Pitfall, Pitfall II has no time limit.

Checkpoints (red crosses) - Cross these and when you die you will start back at the last one you touched.

You win the game when you rescue:

- a woman named Rhonda
- the Raj diamond ring 
- a monkey name Quickclaw 

Perfect score is 199,000.  To achieve this score, you must find 28 gold bars, Rhonda, Quickclaw, the diamond, and the primitive cave rat.


- 5,000 points for every gold bar.
-15,000 for primitive cave rat.
- 20,000 for the Raj diamond ring
- 10,000 for the rescue of Rhonda
- 10,000 for the rescue of the monkey


Use the ladder in the part ahead to get past the frog by ducking into it as it leaps over your head

Map of the game:

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