Monday, April 29, 2019

Illinois Baseball as of April 29, 2019

Illinois Baseball as of April 29, 2019
Vol 1 I 2 2019
Note: WHIP is not tracked for University Teams.

Bloomington Titans /  Illinois Wesleyan   | W 
    18-15     .545
    H      43 Shea, Garrett
    H      43 Fletcher, Dalton
    R      33 Ranneklev, Evan
    HR      6 Shea, Garrett
    RBI    29 Shea, Garrett
    AVG  .416 Figus, NicK
    OBP  .496 Figus, NicK

    ERA  1.61 Houghton, Jacob
    Wins    5 Brune, Nick  
    Wins    5 Gudaitis, Quinn   
    SO     57 Brune, Nick   

Chicago Cubs / MLB - National League   C 
    14-12     .538
    H      35 Baez, Javier     
    R      23 Baez, Javier 
    HR      9 Baez, Javier
    RBI    22 Baez, Javier
    AVG  .315 Baez, Javier
    OBP  .433 Heyward, Jason

    ERA  3.16 Hamels, Cole
    Wins    3 Hamels, Cold
    Wins    3 Quintana, José 
    WHIP 0.99 Hamels, Cole   
    SO     38 Quintana, José    

Chicago White Sox / MLB - American League SOX
    12-14      .462
    H      36 Anderson, Tim
    R      22 Moncada, Yoan
    HR      6 Moncada, Yoan
    RBI    24 Abreu, Jose
    AVG  .375 Anderson, Tim
    OBP  .400 McCann, James

    ERA  4.94 Rodon, Carlos
    Wins    3 Rodon, Carlos
    WHIP 1.39 Rodon, Carlos   
    SO     40 Rodon, Carlos   

Crestwood Windy City ThunderBolts / Frontier League 🗲 
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Danville Dans / Prospect League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Decatur Big Blue / Millikin University  M
    19-16    .543
Leaders  - Waiting on update

Evanston WildCats / NorthWestern University N
    18-22    .450
    H     54 Erro, Alex
    R     36 Dunn, Jack
    HR     4 Erro, Alex
    RBI   29 Bourbon, Willie
    AVG .349 Dunn, Jack
    OBP .457 Dunn, Jack

    ERA 2.37 Paciorek, Nick
    Wins   3 Lavelle, Quinn
    Wins   3 Hanks, Parker
    Wins   3 Levy, Josh   
    SO    43 Lavelle, Quinn    

Joliet Slammers / Frontier League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Marion Miners / Frontier League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started
Normal Redbirds / Illinois State University ISU
    27-17    .614
    H     66 Aeilts, Joe
    R     35 Aeilts, Joe
    HR     9 Aeilts, Joe
    RBI   37 Aeilts, Joe
    AVG .359 Aeilts, Joe
    OBP .451 Libman, Jordan

    ERA 3.21 Johnson, Colton
    Wins   5 Headrick, Brent 
    SO    77 Headrick, Brent     

Normal Cornbelters / Prospect League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started
Peoria Braves / Bradley University B         
    27-13      .675
    H     56 Shadid, Luke
    R     39 Bolt, Dan
    HR     8 Bolt, Dan
    RBI   41 Shadid, Andy
    AVG .333 Shadid, Luke
    OBP .459 Rice, Keaton

    ERA 1.47 Janssen, Mitch
    Wins   4 Cook, Cole
    Wins   4 Gosswein, Brooks
    Wins   4 Moscot, Jed 
    SO    48 Janssen, Mitch    

Peoria Chiefs /  MiLB - Midwest League - Single A
    8-13     .381
    H      26 Gorman, Nolan 
    R      15 Gorman, Nolan
    HR      6 Gorman, Nolan
    RBI    20 Gorman, Nolan
    AVG  .235 Gorman, Nolan
    OBP  .500 Wilson, Alexis

    ERA  0.30 Parsons, Tommy
    Wins    3 Parsons, Tommy
    WHIP 0.35 Parsons, Tommy    
    SO     24 Seijas, Alvaro     

Rosemont Chicago Dogs             
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Sauget Gateway Grizzlies / Frontier League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Schaumburg Boomers / Frontier League 
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Springfield Sliders / Prospect League
    0-0       .000  Season has not started

Urbana Fighting Illini / University of Illinois   I 
     28-14     .667
    H     52 Massey, Michael
    R     29 Taylor, Zac
    HR     7 Taylor, Zac
    RBI   22 Massey, Michael
    AVG .357 Van Scoy, Grant
    OBP .436 Van Scoy, Grant

    ERA 1.90 Acton, Garrett
    Wins   5 Fisher, Andy
    Wins   5 Leland, Sean
    SO    70 Fisher, Andy     

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