Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Video game console release time line

Here is a list of the major video game consoles that have been release starting with the very first, the Magnavox Odyssey. Also the first to use cartridges, and idea that was abandoned till Atari and then Magnavox again started using them.
Company    Console         Year released
Magnavox   Odyssey         1972
Atari      Pong            1975          
Magnavox   Odyssey Series  1975

Nintendo   TV-Game 6       1977
Atari      VCS/2600        1977         

Magnavox   Odyssey 2       1978

Mattel     Intellivision   1980            

Coleco     ColecoVision    1982
Atari      5200            1982

Sega       SG-1000         1983
Nintendo   Family          1983

Sega       Mark III        1985
Nintendo   NES             1985

Atari      7800            1986           
Sega       Master System   1986

Atari      XEGS            1987

Sega       Genesis         1988         

Nintendo   Super NES       1991
Sega       CD              1991

Atari      Jaguar          1993

Sony       PlayStation     1994      
Sega       32x             1994
Sega       Saturn          1994

Atari      Jaguar CD       1995

Nintendo   64              1996

Sega       Dreamcast       1998

Nintendo   64DD            1999

Sony       PlayStation 2   2000

Nintendo   GameCube        2001
Microsoft  Xbox            2001

Microsoft  Xbox 360        2005

Nintendo   Wii             2006
Sony       PlayStation 3   2006

Nintendo   Wii U           2012

Sony       PlayStation 4   2013
Microsoft  Xbox One        2013

Nintendo   Switch          2017

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Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...