Sunday, August 18, 2019

Best Cartoon Duo

Tell me who you think is the best Cartoon Duo?
1 Ren and Stimpy
2 Beavis and Butthead
3 Zim and Gir
4 Pinky and The Brain
5 Rick and Morty
6 SpongeBob and Patrick
7 Bender and Fry
8 Fred Finstone and Barney Rubble
9 Scooby and Shaggy
10 Daggett and Norm
11 Cow and Chicken
12 Garfield and Odie
13 Chip and Dale
14 Yogi and Boo-boo
15 The Tick and Arthur
16 Pooh and Piglet
17 Phineas and Ferb
18 Snoopy & Woodstock
19 Stewie & Brian Griffin
20 Bullwinkle & Rocky
21 Marlin and Dory

22 Elroy and Astro
23 He-Man and Battlecat

24 Johnny Quest and Hadji
I did not included these duos because they are not really duos, but antagonist to each other:
-  Tom and Jerry
-  Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
-  Willie Coyote and Road Runner
I did not include these because they never made it to the screen:
-  Calvin and Hobbes

So far on other media I have [I will keep updated]:

2 votes for Scooby and Shaggy
1 vote for Ricky and Morty
1 vote for Phineas and Ferb
1 vote for Pinky and The Brain
1 vote for Tom and Jerry (even though I said they don't count) 
1 vote for Elroy and Astro
1 vote for Snoopy and Woodstock
1 vote for He-Man and Battlecat
1 vote for Johnny Quest and Hadji

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