Sunday, January 19, 2020

1960's Topps Cubs team sets revisited

Why am I reposting about my 1960s Topps? Because I have made some significant adds this Winter including now having all of Billy Williams Cubs cards.
See billy cards
Because I have written multiple applications to look at these team sets.
See all Cubs cards

1960 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 8 cards)

- Only landscape Topps set baseball card set to appear again until Topps 1988 Big set.
- One of the "Busiest" Topps designs of all times with altering text color and randomized color layout.
- One of my weakest Cubs sets concerning important Cubs players.
- Highlighted players (2):
- - Ernie Banks (67.5) and Walt Moryn (9.9)
- Link:

1961 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 11 cards)

- A favorite team set because it contains Hall of Fame rookies of Santo and Williams
- Vertical boxed layout that still utilizes a randomized color layout.
- Highlighted players (4):
- - Frank Thomas (18.5), Ron Santo (70.5), Billy Williams (63.7), Jim Brewer (15.9)
- Link:

1962 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 9 cards)

- Never been a fan of the dark wood grain theme.
- Several good players including Lou Brock's rookie card year.
- Highlighted players:
- - Lou Brock (45.3), Billy Williams (63.7), George Altman (13.0), Dick Ellsworth (20.1), Jim Brewer (15.9)
- Link:

1963 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 9 cards)

- Very colorful set that is a favorite with many collectors.
- Contains many good players.
- Highlighted players (6):
- - Ernie Banks (67.5), Dick Ellsworth (20.1), Bob Buhl (21.9), Lou Brock (45.3), Larry Jackson (52.0), Billy Williams (63.7)
- Link:

1964 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 8 cards)

- Nice looking cards and the set has 5 Cubs greats
- Highlighted players:
- - Larry Jackson (52.0), Billy Williams (63.7), Ernie Banks (67.5), Lou Brock (45.3), and Bob Buhl (21.9)
- Link:

1965 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 16 cards)

- My favorite set of the 60s hands down.
- Topps did a better job with the Cubs than other teams.
- Highlighted players:
- - Ernie Banks (67.5), Billy Williams (63.7), Larry Jackson (52.0), Bob Buhl (21.9), and Ron Santo (70.5)(x2).
- Link:

1966 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 11 cards)

- Orange and Ugly. Why Topps?
- Rookie Gleen Beckert card.
- Highlighted players:
- - Billy Williams (63.7), Glenn Beckert (15.6), Ed Bailey, George Altman, Bob Buhl (21.9)
- Link:

1967 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 12 cards)

- Always has been a favorite set of mine. I'm missing a few cards with only 12.
- I really wish Billy Williams card had a clear blue sky like everyone else on the team.
- Highlighted players:
- - Billy Williams (63.7), Glenn Beckert (15.6), Randy hundley, Adolfo Phillips, Bill Hands (27.5), Ray Culp, and Ron Santo (70.5).
- Link:

1968 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 14 cards)

- Burlap bags.... not sure how that works with baseball.
- Highlighted players:
- - Billy Williams (63.7), Glenn Beckert (15.6), Randy hundley, Bill Hands (27.5), and Ron Santo (70.5).
- Link:

1969 Topps Cubs (incomplete, 11 cards)

- Set is simular to Topps 1967.
- Highlighted players:
- - Billy Williams (63.7), Ron Santo (70.5), Joe Niekro, Ernie Banks (67.5), Glenn Beckert (15.6)
- Link:

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