Monday, March 14, 2022

New cabinet - Ms. Pac-Man

Those that know me, know I once had a good collection of arcade cabinets.  Some homebuilt, some restored. All were multi-cades.  Some took me weeks to do.  I had to program, troubleshoot, map out the wiring.  Now we have Arcade1up.  It was not terribly expensive and what took me days in the past to build, now a few hours at most.

My very first Mutli-cade was a Ms. Pac-Man, in fact.  You can follow my progress of my very first cabinet in December 2000 [ ]  Nearly 20 years ago! Wow times flies! I remember putting three of the games on the cabinet, although I had more; I know the build included Mr Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders.

This 40th Anniversary cabinet has 10 including some favorites I had never had before like Dig Dug, Galaxian, and Galaga.  Don't tell my wife, but this has given me the itch to have at least one more cabinet in the house.

As far as the the electronics of this cabinet, their are really only two pieces.  The monitor has the power supply attached on the back of it.  The game controls has the circuit board built into the panel.  And you just plug the two together.

Although you can tell the monitor is not a CRT, it looks pretty good for an LCD and the horizontal layout is great.

I love the special 40th Anniversary Edition cabinet graphics.
The artwork on the cabinet is spot on for a Ms. Pac-man.  Very happy with it. The pink t-molding is a great touch also!

It has what feels like real Happ Arcade Controls

The menu system works pretty well. My only minor complaint is that you must hold the player 1 button for 5 seconds to return to the main menu.  I would have preferred something different.

The ROMs included act just like the original.  No complaints there.
On Screen Game Selection Menu has the following:
Ms. Pac-Man,  Galaga,  Galaxian, Dig Dug, Mappy, Rally-X, Rolling Thunder, 
Rompers, The Tower of Druaga, King and Balloon

Over all, Arcade1UP made a cabinet that looks like it belongs in a game room.
The Product Dimensions with out the base (I have the base) : 48.5"H x 20.88"W x 22.81"D
With the base it is a little over 58" tall.

Even though this is not a "real" arcade cabinet, I'm pleased with what we got.  The small form factor actually makes it more practical too.  I do wish it had a lit up marque.  That detail feels more important of a detail than have a coin door on the front.  I did notice there was a power out for a marque on the power supply.


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