Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Spar....Mostly Fluorite - collection

I have added a new collection page on, my Spar collection.

The web page can be found here

Here are a couple of my favorite pieces.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

D&D Game 1 - Session 5

You fasten down your equipment as best you can. Sticking to the
taller grass, you feel as if your presence will go unnoticed.

I'm going to take the worn mountain footpath towards the fields.

Weeds and wildflowers have flourished among the crops. Fruit trees, herbs and grain
grow from wide earthen steps carved into the mountain. The wind swells behind you,
carrying dandelion tufts on the breeze into the bright blue sky above."

A fermented sour smell hangs in the air. The softened mush of rotten apples collects
beneath the trees, currently being feasted on by honey bees. You notice a ladybug,
clinging to your tunic sleeve. Gently, you free yourself from the clinging insect, setting
them down on a nearby blade of grass. The ladybug, swivels, slightly confused about
the new place it finds itself in. You stand up, dusting off your hands.


INVESTIGATION (DC 13) "I'll have a look around for anything useful."
Int mod +0
Result of dice roll	2

Looking around the terraced fields, you do not find any items or tools
of use. Determined not to leave empty handed, you turn your
attention to the crops, hoping to find a nice meal. You pick some odds
and ends, storing them in your pack for later. Add one ration to your

you see a stream and barn.

Added ration.
I go to the barn.


A chicken meanders between the paddock's fence posts, occasionally pecking at
stray bits of straw. The barn doors, painted a bright blue, are splayed open before you.

You walk to edge of the barnyard, leaning on a fence post as you look out over the
grounds. Not far from the temple's entrance, on the other side of the mountain
stream, you see a metal vault door guarding the mouth of a cavern. For a moment,
you could have sworn you saw something moving down there. Your eye is drawn by a
single plume of dark smoke, rising from somewhere off to your right.
You can smell it now. The scent of burnt wood carries faintly on the breeze. Passed
the cloud of fog, you see what remains of a merchant caravan smashed against the far
valley wall. Smoke curls up from behind one of the broken carts. "Is that a campfire?"
The smoke stops, as if the flames had suddenly run out of fuel or had been smothered
out. Noting what you have seen so far, you turn your attention to the open barn.
Slowly you creep up to the barn door, peeking inside. You breathe a sigh of relief
seeing that the barn is empty. "Bw-Bwak!" The chicken's shriek nearly frightens you
half to death. Glaring at the chicken, you take a moment to recollect yourself. Slightly
embarrassed, you circle around to the back of the building. You find a chicken coop
built to look like a fairytale cottage. You feel a little jealous of the chickens.

(DC 13) "Oh, hello! Could I please pet you little chicken?" Wis +2 mod
I roll a 19 - success!

You beckon the chicken over, clucking gently at her. The chicken,
keeping its distance at first, slowly approaches you. Deeming you not
a threat, the chicken settles in the dirt next to you. Finally you may
bask in the glory of the chicken's soft feathers. 

use PERCEPTION (DC 15) "I wonder what I can see from up here." wis +2 mod
I roll a 12, +2 = 14... failed

Looking over the familiar scene, you notice a green spire, barely
breaching the fog's surface. Its faint glow shines like a lighthouse
above the cloud.

Try INVESTIGATION (DC 15) "I'll see if there's anything good left behind." int +0 mod
Sigh, I roll a 14... barely fail

You pull the doors open, shedding light inside the barn. The stalls
have all been unlocked and opened. All you find is an old pitchfork
(improvised weapon) lying on the ground.

I take the pitchfork
I'm going to look around again to see what I can see from here.
I roll a 20

Looking over the familiar scene, you notice a green spire, barely
breaching the fog's surface. Its faint glow shines like a lighthouse
above the cloud. Smoke draws your attention again, this time towards
the metal vault door. Someone has made a fire among the rocks.

I'm going to Return to the terraced fields. 

A fermented sour smell hangs in the air. 

I'm going to go to the mountain stream.

"A waterfall cuts through the mountain ridge, cascading down into the stream below.
The only crossing, an old wooden bridge, has collapsed. Jagged moss covered stones fill
the stream bed, making any attempt to cross a treacherous endeavor."

The bridge had been carved from a contorted white barked tree. Budding twigs of
yellow leaves have sprung from its crumbling stone foundation. On the other side of
the stream, a winding narrow path climbs up the valley wall towards a cavern
entrance at the top. You can faintly hear the sound of a hammer striking metal over
the burbling stream. It seems to originate from somewhere inside the cave.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Added the new cabinet to the game room

 I placed my new Arcade1UP Atari Tempest Legacy on the East wall by the Ms. Pac-man.

Played a few games on the cabinet.  I found the track ball and spinner worked quite well.  I had heard stories about some of the pervious cabinets not doing well.

The cabinet comes with a back lit marquee, 2 built in speakers mounted below the marque, 17" Color LCD screen, and an Atari Tempest matching riser.  Unlike my other Arcade1Up cabinet, this screen is horizontal instead of vertical.  I thought this would hinder true game play for some of the games, but it did not. There are  12 classic games bundled into the cabinet: Asteroids, Centipede, Major Havoc, Missile Command, Akka Arrh, Crystal Castles, Tempest, Millipede, Gravitar, Liberator, Asteroids Deluxe, and Space Duel.  

The control board has 7 arcade style buttons, a spinner, a small track ball, on/off switch, and a volume control.

If Arcade1Up reads this, my only complaint is that the build process was really crappy considering (a) they did not supply me any instructions and (b) they had NO INSTRUCTIONS on their web site for cabinets that have sound bars and and light up marques :(

Saturday, June 17, 2023

B-day Stuff

It has been a great weekend. I had a great day with the family at Arcadia, I have also acquired 11 new Cubs baseball cards from Anne. Some new Pac-Man game room décor stuff from Maddie, and a new Atari arcade cabinet.  I also acquired some D&D crystal rock dice from Amy. An official D&D log book from Vinnie.  August got me a Mustang sign with 7 awesome Stang's.  Parent's got me a nice telescope to top it off.  So yeah, great birthday weekend.   

Monday, June 12, 2023

D&D Game 1 - Session 4

Game 1 - Session 4
continueation of "Lost in the Dark" by Mia Johnson of

Their catalog:

Just to be clear, no, Limitless-Adventures is not sponsoring the play 
of this game.

Here are links to the previous three sessions:

Session 1 -
Session 2 -
Session 3 -

This is the character's status after Session 3:

Name: Darby Yardbar    Race: Human  
Class: Fighter         Alignment: Good    Level: 1


Str 17 mod +3 proficiency bonus (+2)
              Athletics proficiency bonus (+2)
Dex 14 mod +2
              Acrobatics proficiency bonus (+2) fighter
              Acrobatics proficiency bonus (+2) peformer
Con 12 mod +1 proficiency bonus (+2)
Int 10 mod 0
Wis 14 mod +2
Cha 16 mod +3
              Performance proficiency bonus (+2) peformer

Hit point : was 7 now 10

Armor Class:  org 10 + 2 Dex mod + 13cm + 2sh + 1 def= 28 (or 18)

  Once was an entertainer.  Now in military as fighter.
  because of this Skill Proficiencies (+2): Acrobatics, Performance

 next Stealth check will be at advantage.

Fighter Features
  Second Wind: On your turn, you may expend this ability and regain 1d10+1 hit points.
  You regain this ability if you use a recovery room.

  DEFENSE Add +1 bonus to Armor Class when wearing armor.

  (1) Short Fuse Bomb 
    - ranged weapon attack 
    - dex mod. 
    - successful hit deal 3d6 thunder damage.

  (1) LONGSWORD 1d8 damage + Strength bonus to Hit and damage  + Proficiency Bonus to Hit
      - Versatile (Can use two-handed for 1d10 if not using a shield, 
      - or can use one handed for 1d8 with shield).

  CHAIN SHIRT (AC 13 + Dexterity Modifier) (Max AC 15) 
  SHIELD Add +2 to AC (Max AC 18)
   - A colorful enameled steel shield emblazoned with a spider.

  Fine Tinker's Tools (tool)
  minor crystal fragment
  Forgemaster's Broach (shiny)
  whetstone (not used yet), add +1 to that weapon's damage. 
    - This benefit may only be gained once per weapon.

   An insignia of rank (private) 
   deck of cards 
   mess kit 
   5 days of rations
   small spade (tool)
   1 torch.

As the path is not passable, you have returned to the Hallway.

I will enter the double doors on my left. 

"A passible narrow path, sifted out from beneath the rubble, is all that remains of the
temple refectory. Improvised support beams, crafted from splintering tables and benches
are all that hold immense slabs of stone from crumbling further downward."

You hear a sharp crack as soon as you step through the door. Oh no. Quickly
scanning the room, you identify the source. One of the benches, bowing beneath the
immense pressure of the rubble it holds at back, has began to splinter in the middle.
By the look of the bench, it is mere seconds from folding in half. Pebbles begin to
clatter to the refectory floor. "What am I going to do?"

I am going to Grab something to brace the rubble!"

roll d20 STRENGTH (DC 13) ... I roll a 4.. fail

Your next few moments are nothing but a blur. You snatch up a
nearby bench, and jam it between the shifting rocks, trying to
reinforce the failing support. The first wooden bench snaps quickly
followed by the second, releasing rocks and masonry across the
walkway, burying it entirely. Take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage from
the heavy rubble. Due to the significant damage, the Collapsed
Refectory is now impassible. Pulling yourself from the rubble, you
return to Western Hall and choose another room to explore.

I roll a 5, 2, and 3

You black out from the heavy bludeoning hits.  A day passes unconscious.  
remove 2 ration after not eat two days as your are starved. 
roll d6 for temp hit points

I roll a 4 with a +1 Con Mod for 5 temp hit points.
I follow the hallway to the south

"The southwestern corner of the temple has collapsed, spilling rock down the southern
hall. With a bit of effort, you are able to scale the rubble without issue. Something
reflective catches your attention at the opposite end of the passage."

A single brass pipeline, around two feet in diameter, runs along the apex of the
vaulted ceiling, running parallel with the southern hall. Small hatches, sealed with an
aperture locking mechanism, are staged at the center and ends of the southern hall.
During your investigation of the rest of the passage, you hear faint skittering and
scratching noises coming from the pipe above. "I really hope it's rats."
The toppled masonry is covered in a fine layer of powdered glass, shimmering in the
dim-light. The shattered remains of a gilded mirror lay buried among the rubble. A
thin copper wire has been wrapped a dozen times around the broken mirror's backing,
twisting together into one braided lump. Above, you notice a bent hay hook connected
to a short section of chain wrapped around the brass pipeline.

I'm going to try to reflect the light with the shiny broach.

roll d20 SLEIGHT OF HAND (DC 13) Dex mod +2... I roll a 13. success.

You use a piece of the copper wire to bind a shiny item to the hay
hook. The Bright Path is now active in the Southern Hall.

OK..... so I Enter the first door on the right, then.
"A gnomish goddess is depicted in fresco paintings across all six panels of the domed
ceiling, ensnares avian-like creatures of immense size in metallic white thread. Resting
in the center of the room is a circular table, surrounded with cushioned benches."

A woody and sweet, almost citrusy, scent lingers in the chapter house air. The stone
walls are softened by hanging decorative tapestries. Each one a masterpiece.
Handsewn colorful cushions, arranged in small circles on the floor, are surrounded by
religious texts, papers and the occasional ink pot and quill. Brass incense burners,
hanging from the ceiling, dust the ground below them with fallen ash.

"I'll look to see if anything useful was left behind."
I roll d20 PERCEPTION (DC 13) Wis mod +2.. 11 total fail.

You circle the room, looking for anything useful. The books would be too
cumbersome to take with you. "What's this?" You retrieve a folded scrap
of parchment from beneath the round table. The parchment is blank,
but has doodles of rude pictures in the margins. They are quite well
done. Add one parchment, quill and ink to your inventory. you exit back
to the hallway.

I enter the second door on the right

Barely larger than an broom closet, the sacristy is packed with an oak wardrobe,
vestments, and a small collection of well crafted stringed instruments ahead of you. To
your left is a small wooden door, standing only three feet high. Where does this lead?"

Rattling the wardrobe's carved wooden handles, you determine the cabinet is locked.
A three pronged keyhole set into a small metal plate, just above the wardrobe's left
handle. Scanning the rest of the sacristy, Golden vestments, embroidered in white
thread, are laid out with care on a low dresser against the right-hand wall. Stringed
instruments, held in place by small stands, sing out in dulcet tones when plucked.

with PERCEPTION (DC 13) "What's through that door?"

roll d20 Wis +2 mod..  I rull a 17. success!

you determine that the vestments laid out before you are much too small 
to wear. The only other items left in this room are the stringed instruments. 
If you wish to keep one of the instruments, add either one masterwork lyre
or one masterwork lute to your inventory. While using either of these
instruments gain advantage on all Performance checks.

I will take the masterwork lute and leave.
Enter the side chapel door 

"Flecks of pigmented plaster cover the chapel floor. Squinting your eyes, you can barely
make out the crumbling panels of fresco paintings decorating the vaulted ceiling."

The masterful paint strokes of yellows and oranges blend into a sweeping vortex.
Fiends of all kinds, hooved and winged, are engulfed in lashing white threads,
coalescing into a braided mithril archway behind Yfanti's statue at the main altar. The
statue, carved from white marble and clothed in layers of leather, silk, and woven
metal armor, wields a light metal hammer and buckler in a defensive stance.
Hardened candlewax pours from the base of Yfanti's statue, cascading down the sides
of the alter, spilling across the floor into a great congealed pool. Your eyes follow the
spill of candlewax towards the nave. What remains of the wooden benches has been
cleared from the floor, strewn across heaps of rubble collecting against the walls.
"Is that light?" At the far end of the chapel, the smallest beam of light collides with
stained glass on the floor, erupting into a twinkling starburst of color across the nave.

I ask "I'm sorry to ask, but could you help me?" 
and offer the shiny Forgemaster's Broach (shiny)

Remove one shiny, tool, or weapon from your inventory to leave on
the altar. You feel as if your offering has been accepted. Add 1d4
temporary hitpoints to your character sheet.

I rolled 1d4 with a 2.

PERCEPTION (DC 15) "I'll take a quick look around. +2 mod  

I roll a 7.. fail

You spend some time searching the chapel. Small offering bowls
of rotten fruit and woven trinkets are stuck in the melted
candlewax on the altar. Not finding anything particularly
interesting, you feel sure that there is nothing useful here.

"I'll take a closer look at the construct." 

A temple defender, just like the one you saw in the eastern hall, has been modified for
excavation. The construct's arm has been replaced with a mattock head attachment,
easily the size of your torso, frozen mid swing against the loose rock."

The construct's eyes, made from concave mirror glass, shimmer in the dark. Circling
around to look at the construct's back, you find the back plate has been removed,
exposing its core and other internal mechanisms. The core is made of a round metal
frame with three broken crystals. On closer inspection, you determine you could
replace them. As you circle around the Temple Defender, something catches your eye.
Around the base of the construct's two mining implements, a band of arcane glyphs
has been carved into its metal forearms.
If you have a lantern, torch, or other light source: As the light catches the mirrored
lenses in the temple defender's eyes, the construct takes a lurching strike towards
you. Narrowly dodging the attack, you fall backwards against the rocks. The defender,
having used the last of its power, slumps forward before going still. "Looks like I'll
have to use a light to direct this thing."

ARCANA (DC 17) "I wonder if there is a way to improve this construct."
Requires Tool. Roll with advantage if you have Tinker's Tools

Don't need to roll with advantage. first roll is 19.

A memory returns to you. When it came time for you to learn about
arcane glyphs, both Tinker Erland and Lord Berit offered to teach.
The two argued for hours on whose methods of application were
correct. The lesson ended in foul curses and slammed doors. A vase
or two may have been smashed in their heated debate. You managed
to gleam some knowledge from the conflict. You quickly locate the
string of glyphs on the construct's forearm. Using what equipment
you have available, you take your time as you correct the engraving.
The glyphs hum in unison as their string is completed. Add the
Enchanted Temple Defender to your notes. While in combat, the
Temple Defender will gain a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls

I Climb over a fallen column. 

You climb over a fallen column to get into the nave, landing on the broken remains of a
marble statue. Your heart breaks on seeing the entrance of the temple, a set of gilded
brass doors, buried under stone. 'Have I come all this way for nothing?'"

A sliver of light slips between the temple doors like a thin white thread, reflecting off
shards of stained glass in a prismatic burst of colors. The glass, shifting beneath your
feet, creates a new spectacle of light with every step. Dancing hues of yellow and green
reveal the missing temple defender from the eastern hall. The construct, frozen mid-strike, 
has been significantly modified to wield mining implements.

 "I'll take a quick look around before I do anything else."
PERCEPTION (DC 13)  roll 11 success.

Taking a quick look around the nave, your eyes are drawn to a small
spherical object, resting on top of the piled rubble. Add one Short
Fuse Bomb to your inventory. When using the short fuse bomb in
combat, make a ranged weapon attack, adding your dexterity
modifier. On a successful hit deal 3d6 thunder damage.

I use a bomb to blast through

You take cover behind the fallen column, watching as the temple
defender's core flickers to life, illuminating the nave in green light. The
inner mechanisms stutter and shriek. The construct's head swivels
towards the light source, crushing the fallen masonry beneath its
mining implements. Sunlight bursts into the nave. The temple
defender charges out of the temple's shadow, swinging its arms
erratically. you are ready to leave the temple.

"You take your first step out from the temple's shadow. The afternoon's heat 
greets you, rushing towards you like an old friend, pulling you into an 
embrace. You fall to your knees in a warm patch of grass and wildflowers, 
drinking in the sun's brilliant rays."

It takes a few minutes for your eyes to adjust to the light. A single thrush 
darts across the bright blue sky, carrying a few glinting golden fibers in its 

The temple grounds have been torn to shreds, littered with the remains of 
fallen gnomish clerics.

Their flesh has been picked away by birds. You feel a slight sense of relief, 
looking across the gore-ridden grass, not recognizing any of the fallen.

A cobbled road runs across the temple grounds towards the horizon. 

Jagged mountains peek out from behind a dense cloud of fog near the edge of 
the valley. A faint green light radiates from within it. Wind rushes down the 
mountain carrying fallen flower petals up into the sky, the fog cloud remains 
unaffected by the breeze.

Looking to your left, you see a natural rock shelter, shielding a path of carved 
stone steps from the sun. Echoes of a waterfall carry across the stone. The wind 
swells, this time coming from terraced fields of grains to your right. Steps cut 
into the dirt lead up to a weathered barn at the top. You swear you hear the 
faint clucking of a hen.

The Temple Defender charges across the temple grounds, swinging wildly at the
afternoon sun. "Where are you going? Come back!" You watch as the construct
stumbles further down the sloped path, disappearing into the rolling fog.

If you hear the Amulet, guidance is available. it says
"You would do well to go unnoticed here."

Use STEALTH (DC 13) "That thing might still be around here." 
I have stealth advantage still.  simple +2 dex mod.
roll 2 and 3... FAIL big time with advantage!!

You fasten down your equipment as best you can. Sticking to the
taller grass, you feel as if your presence will go unnoticed.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

D&D log Game 1 Session 3

Game 1 - Session 3
Continuation of "Lost in the Dark" my Mia Johnson of
Their catalog:
Just to be clear, no, Limitless-Adventures is not sponsoring the play
of this game.
Here are links to the previous two sessions:
Session 1 -
Session 2 -

Before we begin...First, A look at the detailed status of the character
I am playing this character as we progress on the third game session:

Name: Darby Yardbar    Race: Human  
Class: Fighter         Alignment: Good    Level: 1
Str 17 mod +3
Dex 14 mod +2
Con 12 mod +1
Int 10 mod 0
Wis 14 mod +2
Cha 16 mod +3

Hit point : 7
Armor Class:  10 + 2 Dex mod = 12

  Once was an entertainer.  Now in military as fighter.
  because of this Skill Proficiencies (+2): Acrobatics, Performance

 next Stealth check will be at advantage.

  Fine Tinker's Tools (tool)
  minor crystal fragment
   An insignia of rank (private) 
   deck of cards 
   mess kit 
   water skin 
   (5) days of rations
   small spade (tool)
   (1) torch.

Now to the game play:

Pieces of ceramic tiles from the mosaic floor crunch beneath your boots as 
you enter the subterranean temple. The perpetual hiss of steam pours from 
damaged brass pipes in the mortared walls, creating a fine mist in the 
rafters of the vaulted ceiling."

Gathered Provisions - Books, sealed documents, rations, and extraneous tools 
have been collected in a variety of empty receptacles for transport. Buckets, 

boxes, tarps filled with what someone deemed important, standing at the 
ready mere feet from the rear temple entrance. On closer inspection, what 
you see sends a shiver rattling down your spine.

Torrents of dried blood cover the ceramic tile, smearing further down the 

You Amulet glows, with guidance 

"A faint purple light spills from the amulet between your finger tips. The 
surface of the gemstone, set into an intricate vine-like backing, is polished 
to perfection. A kind voice, resonates through your mind from the amulet, 
'Ready when you are.'
Amulet says 'These items must have been brought together for a reason. Some 
of them may be useful.'

I'm going to investigate "I should make use of what's been left behind."

roll d20 with DC of 13. Int mod 0.  I roll a 10 fail.

You begin your search by pouring over loose documents. You find
that you are unable to understand the language written. "Ledgers,
religious texts, and I'm pretty sure this one's just a cook book."

Dissatisfied in your investigation so far, you turn your attention to

the impromptu storage containers. The tools are too cumbersome to
be of any use.

with PERCEPTION  "I'll take a look around and figure out where to go from here."

roll d20 with Wis mod +2 DC 13. I roll 15. success

Peering down the hall you breathe a sigh of relief, finding that you are
alone, for now. Dried blood, trailing away from the postern leads
towards a small stairwell located at the back of the passage. The trail
stops at the edge of a shallow pool. Water seeps from the door to the
right of the stairs, running red from blood on the tile floor. A double
set of wooden doors remains closed against the left-hand wall. A
single ray of green light slips between the decorative metal venting
that runs along the far wall. The light reflects off a hastily installed
rotatable mirror near the passage ceiling, spilling across the ceramic
tile floor towards the crumbling masonry of the hallway intersection.

I enter the hall.

"An upturned helmet rests at the far end of the hall, punctured through the brow.
Smeared hand prints clawed against the tile, drag towards the far stairwell. The blood
trail ends at the edge of a pool. Water continues to pour from the door on your right."

Bioluminescent mushroom caps spring from cracks in the walls, reaching like

outstretched fingers towards you. Dried blood, trailing away from the postern leads
towards a small stairwell located at the back of the passage, stopping at the edge of a
shallow pool. Water seeps from beneath a door to the right of the stairs, running
slightly red across the tile floor. To your left you notice a double set of wooden doors.
A single ray of green light slips between decorative metal venting located along the
right wall. The light, directed towards a hastily installed rotatable mirror near the
passage ceiling, spills across the ceramic tile floor towards the crumbling masonry of
the hall intersection located behind you. The glint of something shiny among the
rubble catches your eye. You take note of it before continuing your investigation.
Peering through the metal grate adorned with geometric spider motifs, you see an
arcane workshop. A fractured crystal nearly twice your size radiates a vibrant green
light from the heart of a cold forge. Magnifying lenses, suspended from the ceiling by
hinged arms, direct the ray of light through the metal vent. The entrance, a set of
metal plated doors, is located on the opposite side of the workshop.

"Myabe this metal grate is loose. If I remove it I could get inside."

Darby uses Tinker's Tools

roll d20 with DC 13.  I roll a 15. success.

Using the tools you have available, you crack off the metal grate,
sending it clattering to the floor.

"A vibrant green light illuminates every corner of the arcane workshop. Steam spills from
a burst pipe running along the ceiling, spraying a fine mist throughout the room. Your
attention is stolen away by the haphazardly bundled collection of forged weapons."

In the far left corner of the room, small spider-like constructs lay broken around the
bloated remains of a gnomish woman. Her tangle of graying curls, matted by
congealed blood, sticks to the side of her disfigured face. The gnomish woman wears
no armor nor cleric robes, dressing instead in simple tinker's clothes. A braided
mithral broach, pinned to her apron strap, glimmers in the green light. If you wish to
take the broach, add the Forgemaster's Broach (shiny) to your inventory.
A gilded anvil stands on a marble platform in the center of the workshop. On closer
inspection, you find three interlocking circles of arcane glyphs carved into the
platform. "Lord Berit would be delighted to see such mastery of enchantments."
Splattered blood has dried on the anvil's surface, crusting down the side. A light
hammer lays on the floor nearby, covered in dried viscera.
Powdered crystal fragments crunch beneath your shoes as you cross the workshop.
The light flickers as sparks leap from the fissures running along the cold forge. The
metal track that holds the magnifying lenses above the forge has been crudely
repaired, spot welded and hammered back into place. To the left of the forge, a
collection of forged weapons wrapped in a tapestry, lay ready for transport.

I take the Forgemaster's Broach 

Using PERCEPTION against DC 15 with +2 wisdom Mod "I'll take a look around."

I roll a 19! success!

"What's this?" In the corner, behind the gnomish woman, lays a small
spherical bomb. Other than the small bomb, you see nothing else of
use. Add one Short Fuse Bomb to your inventory. When using the
short fuse bomb in combat, make a ranged weapon attack, adding
your dexterity modifier. On a successful hit deal 3d6 thunder damage.

"In the workshop, seeing and touching the weapons and the armor, you have a strange
sensation of a fog being lifted from your memory. You begin to recall your party, your
life, and how you came to be here. You remember who you are."
The Fog Lifts, and You Remember...
It's as if you've just woken from a dream, the fog lifts and you feel like yourself again.
You remember how you came to join with Lord Berit's party, and some of the details of
why you're here. But most importantly, you begin to feel memories of your training
and capabilities.
"Perhaps, I wouldn't have investigated the fate of these poor gnomes, or learned what I
have if I'd woken with my memory."
It's time to gear up and prepare to return to the battle. You don't have time for a full
long rest, but you'll have some new abilities, weapons, and armor to work with. Now 
you've remembered your class, you can continue to investigate the gnomish temple, to
gather more supplies and resources, or you can start looking for a way out.

You realize you are a FIGHTER Touching your insignia "I am squire of Lord Berit, in service 
to become a knight of the realm, sent to support his efforts against a new evil..."

"Lord Berit needs my help, so I must choose my gear carefully."

Add Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws: You are proficient in Strength and Constitution saving throws. When
something asks you to make a saving throw (not a skill check) in either of these, you
may add your proficiency bonus (+2).

You have the additional skills: Acrobatics and Athletics.
When you need to make a skill check in the rest of the adventure, you may add your 
proficiency bonus (+2)

you also have the following Fighter Features
Second Wind: On your turn, you may expend this ability and regain 1d10+1 hit points.
You regain this ability if you use a recovery room.

Add DEFENSE Add +1 bonus to Armor Class when wearing armor.

Proficiency: You are proficient with any armor and shields. Note that some armor
choices may affect your ability to make Stealth checks, or have a maximum Armor
Class. Add your choice to your inventory, and adjust your armor class as appropriate.
you can choose a set of armor and add it to your inventory:

CHAIN SHIRT (AC 13 + Dexterity Modifier) (Max AC 15) Behind several sets of gnomish
plate mail, you find a chain shirt that seems to fit.

You may add a shield if you choose:
SHIELD Add +2 to AC (Max AC 18) A colorful enameled steel shield emblazoned

with a spider. Adds an additional +2 to your Armor Class. You will not
be able to use weapons two-handed or make off-hand attacks.

I take the shield and shirt.


Take a Weapons

Proficiency: You are proficient with Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons. When you
attack with these weapons, you may add your Proficiency Bonus (+2) to your roll.
When you attack, you can drop a weapon to switch, but you won't be able to pick it
up again until combat is over.

Add 1 LONGSWORD 1d8 damage + Strength bonus to Hit and damage
+ Proficiency Bonus to Hit
Versatile (Can use two-handed for 1d10 if not using a
shield, or can use one handed for 1d8 with shield).


Go back the way I came from and then Enter the flooded door to my right.

"Water seeps through your shoes as you slosh across the recessed lavatory floor. A long
trench basin, carved from stone, continuously overflows from pouring faucets. Towels,
and an abandoned pair of pants hang from low metal rings along the far lavatory wall."

Buckled and knotted, you notice the latrine basin lid has been sealed shut with a
leather belt. It appears that someone attempted to seal the latrine shut in a hurry. As
you get closer to inspect, the smell of raw sewage assaults your senses. Wiping your
nose, you turn your attention to the trench basin, hoping to shake the thought of
whatever refuse could be seeping between your toes.

Each faucet of the trench basin squeals in protest as you stop the water's flow. Out of
the corner of your eye, something dark in the bottom of the basin catches you
attention. A bundle of purple cloth has been jammed into the central drainage pipe.
Pulling on the blockage, you are unable to remove it at this time, but you are able to
determine there is something hard inside the twisted bundle.

I'm not sure I want to go this way.  Use perception. 

"Ew. I really don't want to touch anything."

roll d20 with DC 13 with Wis mod +2... I roll a 2. 

Sloshing across the tile, you inspect every inch of the flooded
lavatories. Despite your efforts, you are unable to find anything of

despite my better judgement, "I'll try removing the blockage."

roll d20. ATHLETICS (DC 15) 

I have:
Str 17 mod +3 proficiency bonus (+2)
              Athletics proficiency bonus (+2)

and it does not matter because I roll a 20.

You put one foot on the basin's edge for leverage. Grabbing hold of the
purple cloth with both hands, you eek out as much strength as you
can. Fighting against the drains suction, you tear the cloth from the
basin. Unwrapping the bundle of fabric, you find a whetstone inside.
This could come in handy. Add one whetstone to your inventory. If
you sharpen a bladed weapon with the whetstone, add +1 to that
weapon's damage. This benefit may only be gained once per weapon.

You return to the western hall.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

D&D log Game 1 - Session 2

NOTE: this is a continuation of


"The amulet's faint purple light spills from between your fingertips. The surface of the

gemstone, set into an intricate vine-like backing, is polished to perfection. A kind voice

resonates through your mind from the amulet, 'I had wondered where you went.'"

you remember the pale fog rolling down the mountainside, obscuring the road. Your

friend's howls of agony ring through your ears. Sir Berit calls out to you from

somewhere beyond the fog. You had been separated. You scramble to your feet, spring

as fast as you can through the fog, crying out for Sir Berit. The ground quakes from

the creature's thunderous impact. It rakes the earth between its claws.

Someone grabs you shirt collar, pulling you behind a rock formation. It's Sir Berit, his

face is bloodied. He whistles for his horse. He removes the amulet from beneath his

chest plate, slipping it around your neck. "Do not lose this, You understand me? The

amulet will guide you to safety." Before you can protest Sir Berit puts you onto his

horse. "Go, now!" After that the details of your memory become clouded. you realize 

you still in the cavern. You can follow the cavern wall to right or left.


I follow the cavern wall to the left.


"The fungal growths that have overwhelmed the rest of the cave system refuse to cross

the shrine's threshold. A painted statue of a robed gnomish woman rests against the far

wall. Stretched between her poised hands is a single strand of metallic thread."

The statue's features are accented in turmeric colored paint, lightly brushed over the

surface. Her robes gather at the edges of the plinth she rests on. A white metallic

thread is pulled taught between her fingers. When plucked, the thread reverberates,

releasing steady continuous note. Resting at the base of the statue is a collection of

various pottery, sealed crates, and a small brass offering bowl.


"I could make use of these supplies."

roll d20

I roll a 9 with 0 int mod, I fail to meet DC=13


You begin your search with the glazed pottery collected at the base of

the statue. Rye, barley, and oats fill each pot to the brim. Moving on

to the crates, you find bolts of silk fabric, dyed and neatly packed

away. Placed inside each crate is a manifest, written in a language

you do not understand. "Everything here is too big for me to carry."

You move forward to an Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern

"Finally alone and unperturbed, you are now able to further investigate the overgrown

cavern. With every step a haze of spores and dust swirls up in the humid air. Rubble

from the partially collapsed cavern ceiling obscures some of the nearby passageways."

You gaze at the dense growth of bioluminescent fungi covering the entirety of the

cavern. The long tendril-like mushrooms spill from the ceiling above, creating a

waterfall of light, frozen in place. You carefully step across the cracked floor, steam

curling up around your legs before dissipating. You feel almost lucky, despite the

circumstances, to be able to find something so beautiful down here in the dark.


"I'll take a quick look around before I move on." using perception.

roll d20

I roll an 8 with Wisdom mod of 2 -> fails for perception


You spend some time circling the perimeter of the cavern. During your

search, you are able to identify four possible paths to take out of the

chamber. Unfortunately, you are unable to find anything of use.

you see an overgrown passage, a debris filled passage, onf with rubble, or you can

Return to where you came from. 


I'll take the overgrown passage.


"Troops of mushrooms carpet every inch of the craggy burrow. Their caps crack beneath

your feet. You find a small clearing beneath a humongous mushroom cap and take

refuge there. Steam curls up from the jagged rocks that surrounds its stalk."

The bioluminescent fungi have grown so dense here that both of your shoulders brush

against them, covering you in faint glowing spores. You can hardly turn around in the

cramped burrow. As you shuffle around the large mushroom dendriform at the center

of the cave, something metallic catches your eye. An embellished metal box, lodged

behind densely packed mushroom stalks, is just out of reach.


"No problem, I should be able to dig through these stalks."

roll d20, I roll a 10 with a str mod of 3, DC=13 barely success.


You successfully dislodge the metal box from the spongey fungi using

your bare hands. Add one Locked Box to your inventory.


I try to open the locked box


"You run your fingers along the geometric and vegetal motifs decorating the surface of

the metal box. At a glance, you are unable to identify a locking mechanism, nor keyhole.

Turning the box over in your hands you hear a faint rattle coming from inside."


I'm going to investigate and see if I can figure this out how to open.

D20 with DC 17 with no mod I roll a 3 and fail

I'm going to try to smash it open.

D20 with DC 15 with 3 mod for Str. I roll a 13 + 3mod for 16.  success. 


You smash the locked box with a sharp stone, hearing a faint

metallic chime with every impact. Suddenly the spring-loaded lid

flies open, scattering the contents of the box on the floor. 

damage caused to the box and its contents.

Add one set of Fine Tinker's Tools (tool) to your inventory.  

Remove the broken box.


I continue to follow the right wall.


"A draft of damp sulphurous air assaults your senses as you enter the gargantuan

cavern. The constant flow of noxious fumes pour from a chasm that divides the cavern in

half. Not taking any chances, you cover your nose and mouth with piece of spare cloth."

Out of the corner of your eye you spot a small storage shed, obscured beneath barrels

and boxes in the far recess of the cave. Small crates and broken items have been

carefully arranged into towers, forming a grove of refuse. You take note of the building

before continuing to search your half of the cavern.

Morbid curiosity pushes you to peer over the chasm edge. There is not end in sight,

only darkness. The earth feels as if it is breathing beneath your feet. Along the left

hand wall of the cavern, a small ledge connects to the other side of the chasm. A

hastily installed safety rope hangs slack against the stone, connected by a few pitons.

A metallic crashing and scraping reverberates off the cavern walls. From your current

vantage point, you are unable to discern the source of the noise at this time.


"I'll check out that shed before I go any further."


"Twisting your way through the swaying pillars of stacked refuse, you approach the

storage shed obscured in the back recess of the cave. Rattling the handle, you find that

the door not only locked, but barricaded by something on the other side."

The quartermaster's shed, to your surprise, in remarkably good condition compared to

the surrounding debris. Pinned to the shed door is a clipboard with a handwritten

ledger. A golden seal is pressed into the bottom right hand corner, depicting a

geometric design of a spider. On closer inspection, you find the ledger is written a

language you are unable to understand. 

You try the door one more time for good measure, pressing against it with your full

weight. The door bows, but refuses to give. Peeking through the keyhole you are able

to see a fallen shelf lying near the shed door. On the left hand side of the room is a

desk, littered with papers and writing utensils. From your current vantage point, you

are unable to see anything towards the right.


"There's got to be something good in that shed."

Roll d20 with a DC of 15 to get in. I roll a 11 with str mod of 3, I barely fail to 

get in. 


Digging your feet into the dust, you press your full weight against the

door. Despite giving it your all, the door refuses budge. During your

attempt to open the door, you catch a whiff of something rotting



"I'll take a quick look around, I shouldn't linger here too long."

Roll d20 with a DC or 13 for perception. I roll a stupid 1! fail


At a glance, many of the items appear to be too bulky to carry with

you, or are damaged beyond repair. After weaving through the towers

of debris you are unable to find anything of use.


Take it one step at a time, as long as the pitons hold there isn't

anything to worry about."

Roll d20 with a DC13 for Acrobatics/Athletics.  I roll a 20!!!


Mustering your courage, you clasp the safety rope attached to the

cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping

your eyes on the pitons. A loose rock tumbles from the ledge, clattering

down the chasm wall into nothingness. You breathe a sigh of relief once

you arrive safely on the other side.

"With a new found appreciation for solid ground, you investigate your surroundings with

a more confident stride. A few paces from the edge of the chasm, you discover a

collection of standing stones. Made of raw crystalline structures, they are gathered

around a central octagonal basin. A faint, but audible hum resonates from the crystals."

The subterranean garden has a welcoming presence. Once cultivated bitter herbs

sprout along the basin's foundation. Curious, you peer over the edge of the basin,

noticing a whetstone at the bottom. You look beyond the standing stones, seeing the

faint outline of a doorway set into the cavern wall. The metallic crashing from before

has grown louder, originating from somewhere further into the cavern.


Explore "what is that sound?" 


investigating that sound, you find "Yfanti's Guardian".

"The spider-like construct's abdomen scrapes across the stone floor, sending bright

sparks crackling behind it. Each impact of the its eight legs thunders through the stone

floor. Aperture blades whine and whir behind its dark glassy eyes."

A rhythmic metal crash follows every step of the massive spider-like construct. Crash.

Crash. Crash. From your vantage point, you are able to discern the source of the

noise. Located at the top of the construct's abdomen, an armor plate hangs by a single

bolt, bouncing back and forth with every step. You catch a glimpse of the interlocking

clockwork system, and a faint green light radiating from inside.


with insight, "I'll watch from a distance, maybe I can learn something about


roll d20 with DC15 with Wis mod of 2.  I roll an 8 with +2 mod for 10.. fail


You can't seem to discern any sort of pattern to the construct's



"If I could get close enough, I could tamper with the construct."

roll d20 with DC15 with Dex mod +2. I roll a 20!! (no I'm not cheating)


You jump onto the construct, climbing to the top of the abdomen. You

peel back the armor plate of the open panel, exposing the underlying

clockwork. The construct thrashes as tear out its crystalline core. You

and the construct crash to the ground. "What's this?" Enclosed in your

hand is a small green crystal, radiating a faint green light. Add one

minor crystal fragment to your inventory. 


I approach the door.


Your find a Locked Door

"The archway's keystone strains under the weight of the massive stone slabs suspended

above it. The door in front of you, cast in metal and adorned with geometric spider

motifs, is sealed with a strange circular locking system unlike any you have ever seen."

With the addition of flourished embellishments, the top of the doorway barely stands

at six feet high. Holding out both of your arms, your fingertips can barely brush the

opposite sides of the door frame. Taking hold of both handles, you push and pull,

attempting to open the door. Despite your best efforts, the door refuses to budge. You

scratch your head. "Well, it was worth a shot."


"I can break down the door If I get rid of the hinges."

roll d20 with Str mod +3 with DC of 15.  I roll a 2... fail


"Someone's tried to pry this door open before." Many of the bolts have

already been removed, though the door remains stuck in place. You

slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few

attempts, the door still refuses to budge.


"Maybe I can tamper with the locking mechanism with my tools."

roll d20 with Dex mod of +2 lock is DC 15.  I roll a 7 and fail.


You work clumsily with your tools at first. It has been ages since you

have had to meddle with a lock. Bittersweet memories of careless days

with your friends guide your hands. After multiple attempts, you are

unable to pick the lock.


I'm going to try to force the door again.

roll d20 with Str mod +3 with DC of 15.  I roll a 14 with mod +3. success.


You slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few

attempts, the locking mechanism finally gives, and you are able to force

the doors open an inch at a time. Taking a moment to catch your

breath, a terrible groan emanates from behind you. You dash out of the

way as the metal doors topple over. The thunderous crash echoes

throughout the cavern. 


I enter the door:

Friday, June 9, 2023

D&D session blogging - Game 1 - Session 1

Now that I'm involved with a couple D&D games, I'm going to start blogging both games. I will refer as Game 1 and Game 2. 

Here is game one Friday night June 9th.

Game 1 - session 1

Lost in the Dark (I have a signed copy)
by Mia Johnson
Tides of Battle series
by Limitless Adventure

I did not use the character creation for this book
Instead I did a standard D&D 5e character creation 

character I created:

Name:Darby Yardbar  
Alignment: Good

rolling 4 * d6

Str 6+4+3+6+(1)=17 mod=3
Dex 2+4+4+5+(1)=14 mod=2
Con 5+4+2+1+(1)=12 mod=1
Int 3+3+3+3+(1)=10 mod=0
Wis 4+6+4+1+(1)=14 mod=2
Cha 3+6+6+2+(1)=16 mod=3

Hit point : 6 + 1 Con mod = 7

Armor Class: is 10 + 2 Dex modifier = 12

Climbing over rubble at the back of the collapsed passage, you take a moment to 
inspect your surroundings. Your torchlight dances about, reflecting off mithral 
deposits that run through the cracked walls."

Resting against the passage wall, you pull your knees to your chest. Tears pour
uncontrollably down your cheeks. The, quite high, likelihood of your death in this
awful hole in the ground eats away at you. You squeeze your eyes shut. Trying to calm
your spinning mind, you count your every breath. Reality returns to you. You get to
your feet, wiping your nose on your sleeve. "No more of that. There's work to be done."

"If I can move this rubble, I might be able to find a way out." due to my strength

roll d20

I rolled a 4 + a str 3 mod -> fails DC of 13 for athletics

"This is hopeless." Spending the better part of an hour digging
through rubble, there are massive slabs of stone that you are unable
to move. One thing is for certain, you won't be leaving that way
anytime soon

"I'll take a look around, maybe there's something I missed."

roll d20

I rolled a 12 + wis 2 mod -> success with perception 

On closer inspection, you notice not one, but two sets of foot prints in
the dust. One set of footprints you easily recognize as your own.
However, The other set of boots are much smaller in size, dragging
through the dust. One thing is for certain, you are definitely not alone
down here.

"You proceed with caution over fallen rubble, putting one foot in front of the other. The
passage becomes more steep as you descend further underground. Coming to a halt, the
path ahead of you splits in two. One path turns to the left, the other off to the right."

A cacophony of dripping water echoes throughout the natural stone intersection.
Hundreds of tiny stalactites cling to the edges of the cave ceiling, trickling drops of
water onto clustered mineral deposits below them. At a glance, both stone passages
appear almost identical without further inspection.

"I'll have a look at my surroundings, then figure out where to go
from there." based on my perception and survival skills.

roll d20

I rolled a 7 + wis 2 mod -> failure with perception / survival.

You begin by inspecting the passage on your right. Old spiderwebs
hang thick with dust from the natural stone ceiling. These webs have
not been occupied in quite some time. You take note of your
surroundings before inspecting the other passage. Stopping at the
mouth of the passage, you gag at the scent of rotten eggs. You retreat to
the intersection, waiting to make your choice once the dry heaving

I try my luck with stealth. 
"It doesn't really matter which way I go, as long as I'm careful
about how I do it."

roll d20 

I roll a 16 + 2 dex mod = 18 beating DC of 13

You fasten down any gear hanging from your pack, ensuring your ever
step is as quiet as possible. You creep as quietly as you can down the
passage of your choice, feeling your presence has gone unnoticed. Your
next Stealth check will be at advantage.

I choose the left passage.

Steam curls up the passage walls as you descend further underground. Mushroom caps
spring from cracks in the earth floor, illuminating your path in a faint blue light. You
come to a halt at the mouth of an enormous cavern overrun by bioluminescent fungi."

You catch a glimpse of something crawling through the dark. Scrambling behind a
nearby rock formation, you strain you eyes to make out any details in the dimly lit
cavern. A gnomish man, wrapped in a yellow cloak, crouches among fallen debris in
the center of the cavern. Spindly growths of fungi twist out from deep lacerations in
his bloated body. A faint purple light spills from a small glassy object clasped between
the gnome's stumpy fingers. His teeth crack against the object's hard glassy exterior.

Given my Charisma, I'm going to try intimidation.

roll d20
I roll a 14 + 3 cha mod = 17 beating DC of 13 for intimidation.

I then roll d20 * 3 in case of combat
15, 4, 1

Making yourself as big as possible, you charge at the gnome. Yipping in
fear, the gnome abandons the object before fleeing into the darkness.
Add one amulet to your inventory

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Terry Brooks books

Yep, I'm still reading, still acquiring Terry Brooks books - although I'm a bit behind. I found a book I needed this week and wondered where am I at on Terry Brooks writing.... so I created a list. My wife find me a bit weird, because I create lists for everything. The book I found on sale was The Stiehl Assassin from the fallen series. this made me realize I was missing the other three books... one being the first... The Black Elfstone. I loved the First King which focused on the Black Elfstone, so I was amazed this had slipped by me.
My list can be found here:

Thursday, June 1, 2023

50 years of vette shows

This is a show I was going to when I was a young teen (Dad driving me from Decatur)! Back then, at the old fair grounds. This year will be at Illinois State University again.

Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...