Saturday, June 10, 2023

D&D log Game 1 - Session 2

NOTE: this is a continuation of


"The amulet's faint purple light spills from between your fingertips. The surface of the

gemstone, set into an intricate vine-like backing, is polished to perfection. A kind voice

resonates through your mind from the amulet, 'I had wondered where you went.'"

you remember the pale fog rolling down the mountainside, obscuring the road. Your

friend's howls of agony ring through your ears. Sir Berit calls out to you from

somewhere beyond the fog. You had been separated. You scramble to your feet, spring

as fast as you can through the fog, crying out for Sir Berit. The ground quakes from

the creature's thunderous impact. It rakes the earth between its claws.

Someone grabs you shirt collar, pulling you behind a rock formation. It's Sir Berit, his

face is bloodied. He whistles for his horse. He removes the amulet from beneath his

chest plate, slipping it around your neck. "Do not lose this, You understand me? The

amulet will guide you to safety." Before you can protest Sir Berit puts you onto his

horse. "Go, now!" After that the details of your memory become clouded. you realize 

you still in the cavern. You can follow the cavern wall to right or left.


I follow the cavern wall to the left.


"The fungal growths that have overwhelmed the rest of the cave system refuse to cross

the shrine's threshold. A painted statue of a robed gnomish woman rests against the far

wall. Stretched between her poised hands is a single strand of metallic thread."

The statue's features are accented in turmeric colored paint, lightly brushed over the

surface. Her robes gather at the edges of the plinth she rests on. A white metallic

thread is pulled taught between her fingers. When plucked, the thread reverberates,

releasing steady continuous note. Resting at the base of the statue is a collection of

various pottery, sealed crates, and a small brass offering bowl.


"I could make use of these supplies."

roll d20

I roll a 9 with 0 int mod, I fail to meet DC=13


You begin your search with the glazed pottery collected at the base of

the statue. Rye, barley, and oats fill each pot to the brim. Moving on

to the crates, you find bolts of silk fabric, dyed and neatly packed

away. Placed inside each crate is a manifest, written in a language

you do not understand. "Everything here is too big for me to carry."

You move forward to an Unoccupied Overgrown Cavern

"Finally alone and unperturbed, you are now able to further investigate the overgrown

cavern. With every step a haze of spores and dust swirls up in the humid air. Rubble

from the partially collapsed cavern ceiling obscures some of the nearby passageways."

You gaze at the dense growth of bioluminescent fungi covering the entirety of the

cavern. The long tendril-like mushrooms spill from the ceiling above, creating a

waterfall of light, frozen in place. You carefully step across the cracked floor, steam

curling up around your legs before dissipating. You feel almost lucky, despite the

circumstances, to be able to find something so beautiful down here in the dark.


"I'll take a quick look around before I move on." using perception.

roll d20

I roll an 8 with Wisdom mod of 2 -> fails for perception


You spend some time circling the perimeter of the cavern. During your

search, you are able to identify four possible paths to take out of the

chamber. Unfortunately, you are unable to find anything of use.

you see an overgrown passage, a debris filled passage, onf with rubble, or you can

Return to where you came from. 


I'll take the overgrown passage.


"Troops of mushrooms carpet every inch of the craggy burrow. Their caps crack beneath

your feet. You find a small clearing beneath a humongous mushroom cap and take

refuge there. Steam curls up from the jagged rocks that surrounds its stalk."

The bioluminescent fungi have grown so dense here that both of your shoulders brush

against them, covering you in faint glowing spores. You can hardly turn around in the

cramped burrow. As you shuffle around the large mushroom dendriform at the center

of the cave, something metallic catches your eye. An embellished metal box, lodged

behind densely packed mushroom stalks, is just out of reach.


"No problem, I should be able to dig through these stalks."

roll d20, I roll a 10 with a str mod of 3, DC=13 barely success.


You successfully dislodge the metal box from the spongey fungi using

your bare hands. Add one Locked Box to your inventory.


I try to open the locked box


"You run your fingers along the geometric and vegetal motifs decorating the surface of

the metal box. At a glance, you are unable to identify a locking mechanism, nor keyhole.

Turning the box over in your hands you hear a faint rattle coming from inside."


I'm going to investigate and see if I can figure this out how to open.

D20 with DC 17 with no mod I roll a 3 and fail

I'm going to try to smash it open.

D20 with DC 15 with 3 mod for Str. I roll a 13 + 3mod for 16.  success. 


You smash the locked box with a sharp stone, hearing a faint

metallic chime with every impact. Suddenly the spring-loaded lid

flies open, scattering the contents of the box on the floor. 

damage caused to the box and its contents.

Add one set of Fine Tinker's Tools (tool) to your inventory.  

Remove the broken box.


I continue to follow the right wall.


"A draft of damp sulphurous air assaults your senses as you enter the gargantuan

cavern. The constant flow of noxious fumes pour from a chasm that divides the cavern in

half. Not taking any chances, you cover your nose and mouth with piece of spare cloth."

Out of the corner of your eye you spot a small storage shed, obscured beneath barrels

and boxes in the far recess of the cave. Small crates and broken items have been

carefully arranged into towers, forming a grove of refuse. You take note of the building

before continuing to search your half of the cavern.

Morbid curiosity pushes you to peer over the chasm edge. There is not end in sight,

only darkness. The earth feels as if it is breathing beneath your feet. Along the left

hand wall of the cavern, a small ledge connects to the other side of the chasm. A

hastily installed safety rope hangs slack against the stone, connected by a few pitons.

A metallic crashing and scraping reverberates off the cavern walls. From your current

vantage point, you are unable to discern the source of the noise at this time.


"I'll check out that shed before I go any further."


"Twisting your way through the swaying pillars of stacked refuse, you approach the

storage shed obscured in the back recess of the cave. Rattling the handle, you find that

the door not only locked, but barricaded by something on the other side."

The quartermaster's shed, to your surprise, in remarkably good condition compared to

the surrounding debris. Pinned to the shed door is a clipboard with a handwritten

ledger. A golden seal is pressed into the bottom right hand corner, depicting a

geometric design of a spider. On closer inspection, you find the ledger is written a

language you are unable to understand. 

You try the door one more time for good measure, pressing against it with your full

weight. The door bows, but refuses to give. Peeking through the keyhole you are able

to see a fallen shelf lying near the shed door. On the left hand side of the room is a

desk, littered with papers and writing utensils. From your current vantage point, you

are unable to see anything towards the right.


"There's got to be something good in that shed."

Roll d20 with a DC of 15 to get in. I roll a 11 with str mod of 3, I barely fail to 

get in. 


Digging your feet into the dust, you press your full weight against the

door. Despite giving it your all, the door refuses budge. During your

attempt to open the door, you catch a whiff of something rotting



"I'll take a quick look around, I shouldn't linger here too long."

Roll d20 with a DC or 13 for perception. I roll a stupid 1! fail


At a glance, many of the items appear to be too bulky to carry with

you, or are damaged beyond repair. After weaving through the towers

of debris you are unable to find anything of use.


Take it one step at a time, as long as the pitons hold there isn't

anything to worry about."

Roll d20 with a DC13 for Acrobatics/Athletics.  I roll a 20!!!


Mustering your courage, you clasp the safety rope attached to the

cavern wall. Inch by inch you creep along the narrow ledge, keeping

your eyes on the pitons. A loose rock tumbles from the ledge, clattering

down the chasm wall into nothingness. You breathe a sigh of relief once

you arrive safely on the other side.

"With a new found appreciation for solid ground, you investigate your surroundings with

a more confident stride. A few paces from the edge of the chasm, you discover a

collection of standing stones. Made of raw crystalline structures, they are gathered

around a central octagonal basin. A faint, but audible hum resonates from the crystals."

The subterranean garden has a welcoming presence. Once cultivated bitter herbs

sprout along the basin's foundation. Curious, you peer over the edge of the basin,

noticing a whetstone at the bottom. You look beyond the standing stones, seeing the

faint outline of a doorway set into the cavern wall. The metallic crashing from before

has grown louder, originating from somewhere further into the cavern.


Explore "what is that sound?" 


investigating that sound, you find "Yfanti's Guardian".

"The spider-like construct's abdomen scrapes across the stone floor, sending bright

sparks crackling behind it. Each impact of the its eight legs thunders through the stone

floor. Aperture blades whine and whir behind its dark glassy eyes."

A rhythmic metal crash follows every step of the massive spider-like construct. Crash.

Crash. Crash. From your vantage point, you are able to discern the source of the

noise. Located at the top of the construct's abdomen, an armor plate hangs by a single

bolt, bouncing back and forth with every step. You catch a glimpse of the interlocking

clockwork system, and a faint green light radiating from inside.


with insight, "I'll watch from a distance, maybe I can learn something about


roll d20 with DC15 with Wis mod of 2.  I roll an 8 with +2 mod for 10.. fail


You can't seem to discern any sort of pattern to the construct's



"If I could get close enough, I could tamper with the construct."

roll d20 with DC15 with Dex mod +2. I roll a 20!! (no I'm not cheating)


You jump onto the construct, climbing to the top of the abdomen. You

peel back the armor plate of the open panel, exposing the underlying

clockwork. The construct thrashes as tear out its crystalline core. You

and the construct crash to the ground. "What's this?" Enclosed in your

hand is a small green crystal, radiating a faint green light. Add one

minor crystal fragment to your inventory. 


I approach the door.


Your find a Locked Door

"The archway's keystone strains under the weight of the massive stone slabs suspended

above it. The door in front of you, cast in metal and adorned with geometric spider

motifs, is sealed with a strange circular locking system unlike any you have ever seen."

With the addition of flourished embellishments, the top of the doorway barely stands

at six feet high. Holding out both of your arms, your fingertips can barely brush the

opposite sides of the door frame. Taking hold of both handles, you push and pull,

attempting to open the door. Despite your best efforts, the door refuses to budge. You

scratch your head. "Well, it was worth a shot."


"I can break down the door If I get rid of the hinges."

roll d20 with Str mod +3 with DC of 15.  I roll a 2... fail


"Someone's tried to pry this door open before." Many of the bolts have

already been removed, though the door remains stuck in place. You

slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few

attempts, the door still refuses to budge.


"Maybe I can tamper with the locking mechanism with my tools."

roll d20 with Dex mod of +2 lock is DC 15.  I roll a 7 and fail.


You work clumsily with your tools at first. It has been ages since you

have had to meddle with a lock. Bittersweet memories of careless days

with your friends guide your hands. After multiple attempts, you are

unable to pick the lock.


I'm going to try to force the door again.

roll d20 with Str mod +3 with DC of 15.  I roll a 14 with mod +3. success.


You slam your foot next to the door's locking mechanism. After a few

attempts, the locking mechanism finally gives, and you are able to force

the doors open an inch at a time. Taking a moment to catch your

breath, a terrible groan emanates from behind you. You dash out of the

way as the metal doors topple over. The thunderous crash echoes

throughout the cavern. 


I enter the door:

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