Friday, June 9, 2023

D&D session blogging - Game 1 - Session 1

Now that I'm involved with a couple D&D games, I'm going to start blogging both games. I will refer as Game 1 and Game 2. 

Here is game one Friday night June 9th.

Game 1 - session 1

Lost in the Dark (I have a signed copy)
by Mia Johnson
Tides of Battle series
by Limitless Adventure

I did not use the character creation for this book
Instead I did a standard D&D 5e character creation 

character I created:

Name:Darby Yardbar  
Alignment: Good

rolling 4 * d6

Str 6+4+3+6+(1)=17 mod=3
Dex 2+4+4+5+(1)=14 mod=2
Con 5+4+2+1+(1)=12 mod=1
Int 3+3+3+3+(1)=10 mod=0
Wis 4+6+4+1+(1)=14 mod=2
Cha 3+6+6+2+(1)=16 mod=3

Hit point : 6 + 1 Con mod = 7

Armor Class: is 10 + 2 Dex modifier = 12

Climbing over rubble at the back of the collapsed passage, you take a moment to 
inspect your surroundings. Your torchlight dances about, reflecting off mithral 
deposits that run through the cracked walls."

Resting against the passage wall, you pull your knees to your chest. Tears pour
uncontrollably down your cheeks. The, quite high, likelihood of your death in this
awful hole in the ground eats away at you. You squeeze your eyes shut. Trying to calm
your spinning mind, you count your every breath. Reality returns to you. You get to
your feet, wiping your nose on your sleeve. "No more of that. There's work to be done."

"If I can move this rubble, I might be able to find a way out." due to my strength

roll d20

I rolled a 4 + a str 3 mod -> fails DC of 13 for athletics

"This is hopeless." Spending the better part of an hour digging
through rubble, there are massive slabs of stone that you are unable
to move. One thing is for certain, you won't be leaving that way
anytime soon

"I'll take a look around, maybe there's something I missed."

roll d20

I rolled a 12 + wis 2 mod -> success with perception 

On closer inspection, you notice not one, but two sets of foot prints in
the dust. One set of footprints you easily recognize as your own.
However, The other set of boots are much smaller in size, dragging
through the dust. One thing is for certain, you are definitely not alone
down here.

"You proceed with caution over fallen rubble, putting one foot in front of the other. The
passage becomes more steep as you descend further underground. Coming to a halt, the
path ahead of you splits in two. One path turns to the left, the other off to the right."

A cacophony of dripping water echoes throughout the natural stone intersection.
Hundreds of tiny stalactites cling to the edges of the cave ceiling, trickling drops of
water onto clustered mineral deposits below them. At a glance, both stone passages
appear almost identical without further inspection.

"I'll have a look at my surroundings, then figure out where to go
from there." based on my perception and survival skills.

roll d20

I rolled a 7 + wis 2 mod -> failure with perception / survival.

You begin by inspecting the passage on your right. Old spiderwebs
hang thick with dust from the natural stone ceiling. These webs have
not been occupied in quite some time. You take note of your
surroundings before inspecting the other passage. Stopping at the
mouth of the passage, you gag at the scent of rotten eggs. You retreat to
the intersection, waiting to make your choice once the dry heaving

I try my luck with stealth. 
"It doesn't really matter which way I go, as long as I'm careful
about how I do it."

roll d20 

I roll a 16 + 2 dex mod = 18 beating DC of 13

You fasten down any gear hanging from your pack, ensuring your ever
step is as quiet as possible. You creep as quietly as you can down the
passage of your choice, feeling your presence has gone unnoticed. Your
next Stealth check will be at advantage.

I choose the left passage.

Steam curls up the passage walls as you descend further underground. Mushroom caps
spring from cracks in the earth floor, illuminating your path in a faint blue light. You
come to a halt at the mouth of an enormous cavern overrun by bioluminescent fungi."

You catch a glimpse of something crawling through the dark. Scrambling behind a
nearby rock formation, you strain you eyes to make out any details in the dimly lit
cavern. A gnomish man, wrapped in a yellow cloak, crouches among fallen debris in
the center of the cavern. Spindly growths of fungi twist out from deep lacerations in
his bloated body. A faint purple light spills from a small glassy object clasped between
the gnome's stumpy fingers. His teeth crack against the object's hard glassy exterior.

Given my Charisma, I'm going to try intimidation.

roll d20
I roll a 14 + 3 cha mod = 17 beating DC of 13 for intimidation.

I then roll d20 * 3 in case of combat
15, 4, 1

Making yourself as big as possible, you charge at the gnome. Yipping in
fear, the gnome abandons the object before fleeing into the darkness.
Add one amulet to your inventory

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