Game 1 - Session 3
Continuation of "Lost in the Dark" my Mia Johnson of
Their catalog:
Just to be clear, no, Limitless-Adventures is not sponsoring the play
of this game.
Here are links to the previous two sessions:
Session 1 -
Session 2 -
Before we begin...First, A look at the detailed status of the character
I am playing this character as we progress on the third game session:
Name: Darby Yardbar Race: Human
Class: Fighter Alignment: Good Level: 1
Str 17 mod +3
Dex 14 mod +2
Con 12 mod +1
Int 10 mod 0
Wis 14 mod +2
Cha 16 mod +3
Hit point : 7
Armor Class: 10 + 2 Dex mod = 12
Once was an entertainer. Now in military as fighter.
because of this Skill Proficiencies (+2): Acrobatics, Performance
next Stealth check will be at advantage.
Fine Tinker's Tools (tool)
minor crystal fragment
An insignia of rank (private)
deck of cards
mess kit
water skin
(5) days of rations
small spade (tool)
(1) torch.
Now to the game play:
Pieces of ceramic tiles from the mosaic floor crunch beneath your boots as
you enter the subterranean temple. The perpetual hiss of steam pours from
damaged brass pipes in the mortared walls, creating a fine mist in the
rafters of the vaulted ceiling."
Gathered Provisions - Books, sealed documents, rations, and extraneous tools
have been collected in a variety of empty receptacles for transport. Buckets,
boxes, tarps filled with what someone deemed important, standing at the
ready mere feet from the rear temple entrance. On closer inspection, what
you see sends a shiver rattling down your spine.
Torrents of dried blood cover the ceramic tile, smearing further down the
You Amulet glows, with guidance
"A faint purple light spills from the amulet between your finger tips. The
surface of the gemstone, set into an intricate vine-like backing, is polished
to perfection. A kind voice, resonates through your mind from the amulet,
'Ready when you are.'
Amulet says 'These items must have been brought together for a reason. Some
of them may be useful.'
I'm going to investigate "I should make use of what's been left behind."
roll d20 with DC of 13. Int mod 0. I roll a 10 fail.
You begin your search by pouring over loose documents. You find
that you are unable to understand the language written. "Ledgers,
religious texts, and I'm pretty sure this one's just a cook book."
Dissatisfied in your investigation so far, you turn your attention to
the impromptu storage containers. The tools are too cumbersome to
be of any use.
with PERCEPTION "I'll take a look around and figure out where to go from here."
roll d20 with Wis mod +2 DC 13. I roll 15. success
Peering down the hall you breathe a sigh of relief, finding that you are
alone, for now. Dried blood, trailing away from the postern leads
towards a small stairwell located at the back of the passage. The trail
stops at the edge of a shallow pool. Water seeps from the door to the
right of the stairs, running red from blood on the tile floor. A double
set of wooden doors remains closed against the left-hand wall. A
single ray of green light slips between the decorative metal venting
that runs along the far wall. The light reflects off a hastily installed
rotatable mirror near the passage ceiling, spilling across the ceramic
tile floor towards the crumbling masonry of the hallway intersection.
I enter the hall.
"An upturned helmet rests at the far end of the hall, punctured through the brow.
Smeared hand prints clawed against the tile, drag towards the far stairwell. The blood
trail ends at the edge of a pool. Water continues to pour from the door on your right."
Bioluminescent mushroom caps spring from cracks in the walls, reaching like
outstretched fingers towards you. Dried blood, trailing away from the postern leads
towards a small stairwell located at the back of the passage, stopping at the edge of a
shallow pool. Water seeps from beneath a door to the right of the stairs, running
slightly red across the tile floor. To your left you notice a double set of wooden doors.
A single ray of green light slips between decorative metal venting located along the
right wall. The light, directed towards a hastily installed rotatable mirror near the
passage ceiling, spills across the ceramic tile floor towards the crumbling masonry of
the hall intersection located behind you. The glint of something shiny among the
rubble catches your eye. You take note of it before continuing your investigation.
Peering through the metal grate adorned with geometric spider motifs, you see an
arcane workshop. A fractured crystal nearly twice your size radiates a vibrant green
light from the heart of a cold forge. Magnifying lenses, suspended from the ceiling by
hinged arms, direct the ray of light through the metal vent. The entrance, a set of
metal plated doors, is located on the opposite side of the workshop.
"Myabe this metal grate is loose. If I remove it I could get inside."
Darby uses Tinker's Tools
roll d20 with DC 13. I roll a 15. success.
Using the tools you have available, you crack off the metal grate,
sending it clattering to the floor.
"A vibrant green light illuminates every corner of the arcane workshop. Steam spills from
a burst pipe running along the ceiling, spraying a fine mist throughout the room. Your
attention is stolen away by the haphazardly bundled collection of forged weapons."
In the far left corner of the room, small spider-like constructs lay broken around the
bloated remains of a gnomish woman. Her tangle of graying curls, matted by
congealed blood, sticks to the side of her disfigured face. The gnomish woman wears
no armor nor cleric robes, dressing instead in simple tinker's clothes. A braided
mithral broach, pinned to her apron strap, glimmers in the green light. If you wish to
take the broach, add the Forgemaster's Broach (shiny) to your inventory.
A gilded anvil stands on a marble platform in the center of the workshop. On closer
inspection, you find three interlocking circles of arcane glyphs carved into the
platform. "Lord Berit would be delighted to see such mastery of enchantments."
Splattered blood has dried on the anvil's surface, crusting down the side. A light
hammer lays on the floor nearby, covered in dried viscera.
Powdered crystal fragments crunch beneath your shoes as you cross the workshop.
The light flickers as sparks leap from the fissures running along the cold forge. The
metal track that holds the magnifying lenses above the forge has been crudely
repaired, spot welded and hammered back into place. To the left of the forge, a
collection of forged weapons wrapped in a tapestry, lay ready for transport.
I take the Forgemaster's Broach
Using PERCEPTION against DC 15 with +2 wisdom Mod "I'll take a look around."
I roll a 19! success!
"What's this?" In the corner, behind the gnomish woman, lays a small
spherical bomb. Other than the small bomb, you see nothing else of
use. Add one Short Fuse Bomb to your inventory. When using the
short fuse bomb in combat, make a ranged weapon attack, adding
your dexterity modifier. On a successful hit deal 3d6 thunder damage.
"In the workshop, seeing and touching the weapons and the armor, you have a strange
sensation of a fog being lifted from your memory. You begin to recall your party, your
life, and how you came to be here. You remember who you are."
The Fog Lifts, and You Remember...
It's as if you've just woken from a dream, the fog lifts and you feel like yourself again.
You remember how you came to join with Lord Berit's party, and some of the details of
why you're here. But most importantly, you begin to feel memories of your training
and capabilities.
"Perhaps, I wouldn't have investigated the fate of these poor gnomes, or learned what I
have if I'd woken with my memory."
It's time to gear up and prepare to return to the battle. You don't have time for a full
long rest, but you'll have some new abilities, weapons, and armor to work with. Now
you've remembered your class, you can continue to investigate the gnomish temple, to
gather more supplies and resources, or you can start looking for a way out.
You realize you are a FIGHTER Touching your insignia "I am squire of Lord Berit, in service
to become a knight of the realm, sent to support his efforts against a new evil..."
"Lord Berit needs my help, so I must choose my gear carefully."
Add Proficiency Bonus: +2
Saving Throws: You are proficient in Strength and Constitution saving throws. When
something asks you to make a saving throw (not a skill check) in either of these, you
may add your proficiency bonus (+2).
You have the additional skills: Acrobatics and Athletics.
When you need to make a skill check in the rest of the adventure, you may add your
proficiency bonus (+2)
you also have the following Fighter Features
Second Wind: On your turn, you may expend this ability and regain 1d10+1 hit points.
You regain this ability if you use a recovery room.
Add DEFENSE Add +1 bonus to Armor Class when wearing armor.
Proficiency: You are proficient with any armor and shields. Note that some armor
choices may affect your ability to make Stealth checks, or have a maximum Armor
Class. Add your choice to your inventory, and adjust your armor class as appropriate.
you can choose a set of armor and add it to your inventory:
CHAIN SHIRT (AC 13 + Dexterity Modifier) (Max AC 15) Behind several sets of gnomish
plate mail, you find a chain shirt that seems to fit.
You may add a shield if you choose:
SHIELD Add +2 to AC (Max AC 18) A colorful enameled steel shield emblazoned
with a spider. Adds an additional +2 to your Armor Class. You will not
be able to use weapons two-handed or make off-hand attacks.
I take the shield and shirt.
Take a Weapons
Proficiency: You are proficient with Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons. When you
attack with these weapons, you may add your Proficiency Bonus (+2) to your roll.
When you attack, you can drop a weapon to switch, but you won't be able to pick it
up again until combat is over.
Add 1 LONGSWORD 1d8 damage + Strength bonus to Hit and damage
+ Proficiency Bonus to Hit
Versatile (Can use two-handed for 1d10 if not using a
shield, or can use one handed for 1d8 with shield).
Go back the way I came from and then Enter the flooded door to my right.
"Water seeps through your shoes as you slosh across the recessed lavatory floor. A long
trench basin, carved from stone, continuously overflows from pouring faucets. Towels,
and an abandoned pair of pants hang from low metal rings along the far lavatory wall."
Buckled and knotted, you notice the latrine basin lid has been sealed shut with a
leather belt. It appears that someone attempted to seal the latrine shut in a hurry. As
you get closer to inspect, the smell of raw sewage assaults your senses. Wiping your
nose, you turn your attention to the trench basin, hoping to shake the thought of
whatever refuse could be seeping between your toes.
Each faucet of the trench basin squeals in protest as you stop the water's flow. Out of
the corner of your eye, something dark in the bottom of the basin catches you
attention. A bundle of purple cloth has been jammed into the central drainage pipe.
Pulling on the blockage, you are unable to remove it at this time, but you are able to
determine there is something hard inside the twisted bundle.
I'm not sure I want to go this way. Use perception.
"Ew. I really don't want to touch anything."
roll d20 with DC 13 with Wis mod +2... I roll a 2.
Sloshing across the tile, you inspect every inch of the flooded
lavatories. Despite your efforts, you are unable to find anything of
despite my better judgement, "I'll try removing the blockage."
roll d20. ATHLETICS (DC 15)
I have:
Str 17 mod +3 proficiency bonus (+2)
Athletics proficiency bonus (+2)
and it does not matter because I roll a 20.
You put one foot on the basin's edge for leverage. Grabbing hold of the
purple cloth with both hands, you eek out as much strength as you
can. Fighting against the drains suction, you tear the cloth from the
basin. Unwrapping the bundle of fabric, you find a whetstone inside.
This could come in handy. Add one whetstone to your inventory. If
you sharpen a bladed weapon with the whetstone, add +1 to that
weapon's damage. This benefit may only be gained once per weapon.
You return to the western hall.
Linux, Cars, Coding, Classic Gaming, Base Ball Cards, and overall personal blog. Just another blog of a baseball card collector and geek. Older blogs can be found at
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