Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Added the new cabinet to the game room

 I placed my new Arcade1UP Atari Tempest Legacy on the East wall by the Ms. Pac-man.

Played a few games on the cabinet.  I found the track ball and spinner worked quite well.  I had heard stories about some of the pervious cabinets not doing well.

The cabinet comes with a back lit marquee, 2 built in speakers mounted below the marque, 17" Color LCD screen, and an Atari Tempest matching riser.  Unlike my other Arcade1Up cabinet, this screen is horizontal instead of vertical.  I thought this would hinder true game play for some of the games, but it did not. There are  12 classic games bundled into the cabinet: Asteroids, Centipede, Major Havoc, Missile Command, Akka Arrh, Crystal Castles, Tempest, Millipede, Gravitar, Liberator, Asteroids Deluxe, and Space Duel.  

The control board has 7 arcade style buttons, a spinner, a small track ball, on/off switch, and a volume control.

If Arcade1Up reads this, my only complaint is that the build process was really crappy considering (a) they did not supply me any instructions and (b) they had NO INSTRUCTIONS on their web site for cabinets that have sound bars and and light up marques :(

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