It would be difficult to talk about Ed Averett without discussing his most famous game, K.C. Munchkin. Released in 1981 for the Odyssey
2, K.C. Munchkin was the PacMan like game that
was not only
MUCH better than Atari's PacMan but
was also released two years before Atari could put out the game. Magnavox had asked Ed to make a maze game similar to PacMan, but not so close that Magnavox would be legally liable. This was one of the first games to use the expanded 4k memory.
This game turned out so good, it put Odyssey
2 on the video console map. Many say the concepts in this game made K.C Munchkins better than the whole PacMan concept. In interviews, Ed has mentioned that this favorite game he programmed.
Mazes that changed by moving their walls and/or walls that turned invisible while playing. The games has pills and power pills that ran away from you.
There are only 12 pills (called munchies) in each maze, which begin in four groups of three but move through the maze
independently and at speeds that increase as each one is eaten.
The final munchie moves at the same speed as the Munchkin and must be intercepted rather than followed.
The super-pills are called blinking munchies because they flash and change color.
Lastly there are no memorization of patterns like pacman.
None the less, Atari sued and Magnavox had to stop selling K.C. Munchkin. This was a first of a kind law-suite. In today's world, Atari would not have won. Ed followed up with the amazing game K.C. Krazy Chase in 1982. This version also used 4k memory and and had voice synth and new characters.
Ed would write write a total of 3 games in the series:

Title : K.C. Munchkin
Platform : Odyssey2
Game ID : AC9435
Description : How many Munchies can your Munchkin munch
Year : 1981
Publisher : North America Phillips
Programmer : Ed Averett
4k : Yes
Voice : No
Grade : -A Recommended
Game video : Game play video

Title : K.C. Krazy Chase
Platform : Odyssey2
Game ID : AC9442
Description : Starring K.C. Munchkin! In this episode our hero confronts the
dreaded tree-eating Dratapillars of Venus!
Year : 1982
Publisher : North America Phillips
Programmer : Ed Averett
4k : Yes
Voice : Yes
Grade : A Recommended
Game video : Game play video
Title : K.C. Returns
Platform : Windows 7/8/10
Game ID :
Description : If you can see it, you can solve it! Microscopic KC to repair DNA
Year : 2015
Publisher : Averett and Associates LLC
Programmer : Ed Averett
Grade : A Recommended
Game video : Game play video
The Odyssey
2 faded from market, but people were not done with K.C.. Since at least 1998, several Home-brew games have popped up.
I'm not sure how many, and honestly, I'm not sure how Ed feels about these games. That said, here are 4 other inspired games I found:
A faithful remake!
Title : Atari KC Munchkins
Platform : Atari 7800
Game ID :
Description : K.C. Munchkin clone that runs on Atari 7800
Year : 2014
Programmer : Robert DeCrescenzo
Publisher :
Grade : A Recommended
Game video :Game play video
Newer Odyessy game based on Ed's work
Title : J.G. Munchkin
Platform : Odyssey2
Game ID :
Description : K.C's foul-mouthed bother. Remake of Attack of the Time Lord
Year : 1998
Publisher : William Cassidy
Programmer : -VPaC (William Cassidy?)
Grade : Not graded.
Game video : Game play video
Very loosely based
Title : MyMan KC Munchkins
Platform : Windows/DOS/Linux
Game ID :
Description : Maze game inspired by K.C Munchkins
Year :
Programmer :
Publisher :
Grade : Not graded.
Title : K.C.'s Crazy Nightmare
Platform : Atari 2600
Game ID :
Description : K.C. has found himself trapped in a Atari 2600 system along with some
enslaved O2 zombies
Year : 2009
Programmer : John A. Reder
Grade : Not graded.
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