Monday, January 14, 2019

To the roots of this blog.

This Blog started way back in December 2000 with Retro arcade gaming blog with other gaming stuff. Much of the content was hardware/cabinet related. Some content was ROM related and other just general game information. Of course back then, I was using my own blogging software and today I'm using Blogger.

To reflect, Here are my first 5 posts: Oh the fun, kinda really miss the building/restoring/repairing cabinet days. You can see much more of that stuff here.

A few years after that, the blog became a general blog and later baseball/baseball cards. I guess the point of this posts is to say, yes I'm posting a bit more on Retro Gaming. Yes, I will still post about baseball cards, but I plan on taking the rest of the topics out. Currently I'm considering building a Odyssey 2 console, not a ROM emulator, but one that will play cartridges and download ROMs for the cartridges. I also plan to post more on ROM emulators and how to make them or hack commercial ROM emulators. Lastly I might start writing hardware/accessory setups and reviews for game systems. Will I do more arcade cabinet stuff? Probably not, although I still do have some of my circuits, game controls, and marques I saved from my cabinets (sold everything else).

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Memory struggle

I have really struggled to do ROM to RAM mapping on the C64 and Atari 8-bit. The processes is very much alike, between the two systems. The ...